Chapter Four

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My eyes shot open, and I sat up quickly in my bed. I was drenched in sweat. I looked around the room as I sat there, trying to catch my breath. My heart pounded painfully in my chest. I had been startled awake by a nightmare. I could hardly remember the fading details. Something about Klaus... Jack... Lily... Her screams still echoed in my mind, but slowly began to melt away as well. It was terrifying, but just a dream. It was nothing more than a silly nightmare. 

I wiped the sweat off my forehead, and noticed that I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I must've fallen asleep when I laid down. It wasn't much of a surprise, the shock and anger I had felt must've exhausted me. I noticed my suitcase was placed on the top of the dresser. Someone must've brought it in when I was asleep. I looked down at my watch to check the time. It was 7:22 in the morning. Now that I was up, it was the best time to start getting ready. There was no point in going back to sleep, anyways.

I took a quick shower, and changed into some fresh clothes. I decided to explore around the castle for a little bit, since I wasn't sure if anyone was up yet. I tried to quietly open my door, not wanting to disturb anyone else who may have been sleeping in one of those rooms. I took a quick look around to see that no one else was out, and I began walking down the stairs. I made it to the bottom, and took another awed look around the huge building. 

Wow, it was beautiful. I stared around at all of it: the dark wooden columns lining the walls, the torches, the polished marble flooring. I had only seen places like this in pictures and movies. As a child, I had always expected the castle to be as dusty and old on the inside as it looked on the outside. As I continued to look around in amazement, I heard a sudden knocking from the big doors at the front of the building. I stared at it for a moment, not sure what to do, before hesitantly walking over. With some effort, I pulled one of the heavy doors open with a gust of warm, summer air. There stood the gray haired man from yesterday, who looked a bit surprised to see me. 

"You're up earlier than I expected," Heisenberg said.

"Couldn't sleep," I told him, looking to the floor awkwardly. It was sort of a half truth. I probably would've slept like a rock if it weren't for that nightmare. 

"You ready to leave? We've got a long day ahead of us." He smirked, crossing his arms and looking down at me from over his glasses. I sighed.

"Yeah, I guess." I said, stepping through the door and closing it quietly. Heisenberg had already began to walk before I realized it, and I had to jog a little bit to catch back up with him. Much like Lady Dimitrescu, he was a fast walker. I watched him from the side as we walked, noticing that he seemed stressed. Or maybe really focused on something? He looked straight ahead, his eyebrows furrowed as he walked.

He was hard to read. I had only met him twice, and both times I could never quite tell what he was feeling or thinking. Hell, the only thing that really seemed genuine was his anger. I didn't know what to think of him yet, much like the whole situation. All I knew so far was that he seemed the most normal out of all of us. I guess, as normal as a homeless looking aggressive man could be. He definitely looked the most human. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, noticing that we were going past the village and further out to where the forest was. 

"My factory," He said. "We can actually talk there without being watched." 

"Talk?" I tilted my head, trying to analyze his expression. He seemed to catch my staring and turned his head to me, looking me up and down. 

"Well I'd like to know what you think about this new job of yours," He chuckled. I rolled my eyes, turning back to look in front of me.

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