Chapter Nine - Reminiscence

Start from the beginning

"Where are we going today daddy?" Bridie asks, chomping on her cereal. 

I take my gaze away from Daphne and turn towards Bridie. "I was thinking to Meerie's Diner, and then we'll work it out from their," I say, and she nods in approval. 

After the girls finish their cereal, us three all say goodbye to Daphne - who seemed dimmer than usual - and get into one of my cars, driving down to Meerie's Diner. 

"Okay, what do you want?" I ask the girls, even though I know they get the same thing every time we come here. 

"Choccy shake!" Bridie shouts, and a couple of startled heads turn our way from her loud voice. 

"Strawberry please," Hallie says calmer. They're so different, one's calm and poised, sometimes shy, while the other is wild and turns heads where ever she goes from her loud persona.

I like to think they both have bits of me in them, mainly Hallie. She takes after me with her much quieter and calmer energy, compared to Bridie who's like a rocket ship blasting off into space.

"Okay then," I smile as they busy themselves with the provided colouring sets. 

Giving our orders to the young waiter, I turn back to my girls, smiling at them. I've been coming to this diner since I was in my twenties, its actually where I took Jennifer on our first date. 

We've come here ever since - even after her death, which was a hard moment for all of us. Mainly Hallie and I, Bridie was only one when Jennifer died, so she never really knew her. 

Bridie asks a lot about her mother, about what she was like, how she was, things like that. I love telling her about her mother - stories, memories, so much. But it saddens me, as I'm reminded every time that she'll never be able to learn those things herself, make memories with her mother. 

"Daddy?" Hallie's voice echoes.

I perk up. "Yes, sweetie?" 

"Daphne seemed sad this morning, why?" she asks, her eyes wide and filled with worry for Daphne. 

"I noticed that to. I'm not to sure why, but when we get home make sure to give her a big hug and a kiss." I tell her and she nods sharply. Because even if I wanted to give her a hug and kiss when we got home, I can't. It would be, weird?

"Okie dokie." she smiles.

"Can you tell us another story about mummy?" Bridie asks, looking up from her colouring in sheet of a dinosaur. 

I smile, looking out the window to think of one. So many to choose from. "Well," I begin, leaning forward on the table. "When we first met it was on a work project, because as you know mommy was an interior designer," I say. 

"And when I saw her I froze, completely still on my feet because I was struck with awe. She completely took my heart out of my chest and when she came over to introduce herself, I was lost for words, I couldn't talk. Instead do you know what I did?" I smile at the memory i'm explaining.

"What?!" they squeal, leaning in with interest. 

"Nothing. I tried to say 'Hi, i'm Dan', but instead came out a jumble of mumbles and I looked like a complete idiot," I smack my head with my hand, and they giggle. "But she just laughed and shook my outstretched hand," I finish.

"So silly daddy." Hallie giggles. 

I nod my head. "I know." 

As we continue talking, I notice the waiter coming over with our tray of milkshakes, and I move the colouring sheets out the way to make room. The girls instantly begin slurping on their milkshakes like they're running out of time. 

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