Chapter Five - Under the Weather

Start from the beginning

"Ah, you hear that Hallie, daddy's back," I say and she perks up, a few tears still streaming down her face.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" Danny asks as he sits on the other side of Hallie.

She lets out a sob. "It h-hurts," she cries out and my heart shatters into a million pieces. 

"Sh, I know, I know," Danny comforts as he brings her into his chest.

"But I got you some medicine and this drink is for later. They'll make you feel better," Danny shows her the small white plastic CVS bag filled with electrolyte drinks and some sort of medicine. 

I signal to Danny i'm going to go check on Bridie and he nods. I peck Hallie's forehead, telling her i'll be back soon and head through the connected bathroom into Bridie's silent room, the only light illuminating the large room is the first glimpses of the sun rise, peaking through her floor to ceiling window.

"Lolli?" Bridie's small voice questions as I approach her bed. 

"Hey," I smile. "Can't sleep?" I ask and she shakes her head 'no', bringing her stuffed toy into her chest. 

"I-Is Hallie going to be okay?" she asks and I sigh, lifting her up and placing her onto my lap and she instantly nuzzles into my chest.

"Oh yeah. She just has a nasty little bug, but she'll get better soon," I reassure her and I feel her nod. 

"Okay," she asks and pulls away from my chest, looking up at me with her big green eyes that are an exact replica of Danny's. 

"What will make her feel better?" she asks.

I look up at her star decorated ceiling in thought. "Well, how about later you make her a 'get well soon' card, I think she'd love that," I offer and she nods happily, a new gleam of excitement in her eyes when I mention arts 'n' crafts. 

"Yeah!" she says and I laugh at her excitement. 

Checking the time on my watch, I notice its 4:49am, so I tuck Bridie back into bed and peck her cheek before leaving.

Walking back into Hallie's room, I see Danny patting Hallie's head as she lays down, even breaths coming from her body. Oh thank goodness, she's finally getting some rest.

"Daph," Danny whispers, getting up from Hallie's bed as he walks over to me. 


"I have to go to work soon, but I can stay if you-" Danny begins but I cut him off.

"No," I say firmly. "I got this. You go to work, i'll be fine," I reassure him. This isn't my first rodeo with taking care of a child who's sick. 

Danny hesitates glancing back at Hallie, running a hand through his messy bed hair. God, his hair looks so attractive all messy like that.  "Okay, i'll be back as soon as possible," he says, before exiting Hallie's room in a rush. 

I exhale a deep breath and quietly approach Hallie's side, placing my palm on her sweaty forehead. I bring the messy covers up to her shoulder and re-adjust her toy bunny - also known as Polly.

I hope she gets as much sleep as possible. From being around kids for so long, i've learnt many qualities most of them have. One in particular, they are incredibly determined little humans and push through anything with bravery. 

But being sick just takes everything out of a person, especially a kid. So it's relieving Hallie is getting some sleep right now, because she'll need as much energy as possible. 


"Lolli! Lolli!" Bridie yells as she runs into the kitchen. I stop my task of mixing around the chicken noodle soup the maid - Lisa - started, before she left for the day. 

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