I don't see any reason for taking out the folder from the bag, honestly. It's not like I was gonna read it.


She wanted us to go get ice cream. I was against the idea but you know she had her own way of making me get ice cream with her.

When she went over to mom requesting I go get ice cream with her, I was hoping mom would go against the idea but what did mom do? She was in full support. She just wanted her off her back, I also wanted that too, in a good way though.

I was having vanilla with chocolate toppings, yummy. Mrs. Nike was having straw berry with vanilla toppings.

"Good lord, this here is good stuff!" The expression that follows shortly after licking.

" And there'd be telling me sugar's bad for me. What do this people want!" She said, naively. The doctors where just doing their job you know.

" They want me to miss out on all the good stuff." We sit on a bench just close by.

" They just want what's best for you." I said licking the melting ice cream dripping from the biscuit cone.

"I didn't ask them to do that dear." She's being too naive in a good way.

" Okay, if you insist."

" So how's everything working out for you?" She finally decides to talk about something else.

" I don't get?" Confused.

" I do I explain." She's words stuck if I may say, that is that's actually a thing.

" Like, I mean how's school and all that? You know."

" Well, school's fine." I said.

We both go silence for a while. Things began to get boring too.

The quietness usher's in thoughts of Lam. Why? Why now? Even in my quiet time, far from school he wishes to torment my thoughts.

Maybe I should try sharing a bit about him with her? Or maybe not, she'll probably nag me about him.

"Can I ask you something?" A probably stupid question was on its way.

"What do you know about boys?" Was this even a question? I had a brother back at home and I was asking about boys. Stupid me.


"What kinda question is that?" Confused.

"Oh!" She's now having the wrong idea.

" I get you girl!" I'm in it for the long talks now.

"There's a someone, right?"

"Wait what?" This is what happens when you ask stupid questions to the wrong people, learn from me.

"But ain't you too young for that, sister?" When she starts calling you sister, means that she's high with the wrong ideas.

"You know I was thinking you where the shy type but you're proving me wrong."


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