"Chaewon." I hear Heeseung's voice say before pull me into a warm hug. I can't enjoy it from how painful the bruises are on my back and thighs. 

I wince in pain of the bruises causing Heeseung to quickly remove his arms and pull away from me. 

"Oh I'm sorry. Let's go to the hospital. We'll get you checked out just to make sure your okay." he says while holding my hand with both of his. The warmness in his hands transfer to my cold and sensitive ones making me have a sense of relief. 

"I'm fine. You need to go to the hospital not me. Your bleeding a lot Heeseung." I say while staring at his gory hands. 

"No, Chaewon. You-" he gets cut off by everyone sighing in unison. 

"You both just go!" everyone shouts in annoyance. I would laugh at this occurrence usually but I just don't have the energy to.

"Okay. Let's go. And Jake give me your sweater." Heeseung says out of nowhere. Jake follows his directions and gives Heeseung his sweater. 

"Heeseung take care of Chaewon or I'll crack you open like a nut. Chaewon please take care, I love you." Namjin says while patting my shoulder making me shudder at the contact. 


Me and Heeseung go to the car and he puts the sweater he got from Jake on my lap. I look up to him and see him giving his best smile to me, probably just to make me feel better. 

"It's cold. And your dress is short. Please don't catch a cold." he says before starting his loud engine making me slightly jump up in shock. 

I stay quiet, there's no point in crying in front of him now, telling him how I feel. I'll only be a bigger burden to him, then I already am I guess. I don't even have enough time to review my feelings, how I'm feeling, and what just happened because more events are just piling on top of me.

"Chaewon. Let's go." I hear in my train of thoughts as the car door on my side opens. We are parked in front of a big white hospital. Heeseung helps me walk by holding my hand, the only part of my body that isn't in pain. 

We walk into the emergency room, without much fight from Heeseung, making me know he's in pain. Why is he acting like he's not? 

"Chaewon-sshi! Please come to room four." a nurse says. I slowly walk to the room with the help of Heeseung but every now and then I hear him wince in pain making me let go of his hands. 

"Why? I'll help you wa-" I cut him off by shaking my head. 

"I'm fine." I say before walking away, acting like my legs don't throb in pain at the moment.

My doctor does a examination on my body and quickly results that they are just some bruises and will heal in a week or so. Thankfully, Heeseung gets pulls away to treat his hands giving me some time alone. 

"I'm going to get the medication, and you have to eat it before your meals, twice a day for a week. And are you sure you don't need a rape test? Just to make sure." the doctor says making me shake my head.

"I'm sure. I would never forgive myself if I let that happen." I say while giving a fake smile to the doctor to just show I'm okay, even if I'm not. 

The doctor leaves the room to get the medication and I finally have some time to myself. All the pain rushes through my body, now that I can finally think my own thoughts, without caring what anyone thinks or hears. 

I fully break now that I'm alone, the tears come naturally and uncontrollably. Why me? Why do I have to be the one to experience this?

I whimper and cry my lungs out, probably making a loud ruckus but now, I don't care. I'm alone, no one to burden, no one to care about me. 

I can feel the exhaustion in my body when I physically can't take any more big breaths without making my body shake more then before. 

I kick my feet on the floor, not caring how painful it is or how cold the floor is. All my frustration and anger just flow out. I imagine the floor as myself and kick it even harder now.

So stupid. I have two arms and legs but I let him do that? Control me? Take my body away like it was nothing? 

I am nothing. I deserved this. Haha maybe this was all for a reason. I burden everyone like I'm something special but I'm not. 

It hurts. It hurts too much. I let out a scream out of built up anger, sadness, and just everything I kept inside this whole time not to burden anyone. 

I like alone. I like being alone. I like letting myself do whatever I want without hurting others. It's my own space where no one will judge me except myself. 


Word count: 1465❤️❤️❤️

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