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Heeseung's POV:

After Chaewon left the room, I couldn't keep myself calm anymore. I break down to the ground trying not to make a sound.

Is this for real? Does she really want to cut ties with me? Was I depending on her too much?

It's my fault she left anyway. I was being to dependent on her since my mom passed away, and that was too much for her. I messed up.

"Heeseung. Heeseung. Breath." I hear a muffle voice from the side. In the midst of my tears I make out a familiar face in front of me.

"J-Jay?" I say while whimpering. He nods and pulls me into his shoulder. I smell his cologne and reminisce from when Chaewon was here for me. She would do just this, but she always smelled like lavender. Now she's not here to take care of me.

"It's okay. Everything's fine." he repeats to me while patting my back. I try to stop the tears from streaming down my face by biting my lip and stopping myself from shaking.

I can't seem to show my weak self in front of someone else other then Chaewon.

"I'm... I'm fine." I say while pushing Jay off of me. He helps me up and hands me a satin cloth, making me wipe my face.

"You know it's okay to cry right? Remember when I cried after breaking up with my girlfriend and you helped me? So this is the least I can do." he says while smiling with his iconic Jay smile.

"No I'm fine. Where's Chaewon? Did see her?" I say while peeking my head out the door.

"Geez you still care for her after whatever she did that made you cry? But she left a couple minutes ago with her friend." Jay says making me sigh.

"It's not her fault. She can't control my emotions. And don't talk bad about her." I say straight up.

"Bro geez, your in love aren't youuu!" Jay says making me cringe.

"Love? With who? Chaewon? Hah, no." I say while laughing.

"There's your smile. And yes, you dimwit. You don't care about any other girl like this and your saying it's not love? You idiot." he says while laughing.

"Piss off, let's go. And you can't get out of this one, I know you don't have classes." I say while putting my arm around him.

"Nooo, you drive like 140 miles per hour. How the hell do you even have your license?" he says making me glare at him.

"Yah! I'm a great driver. And I can do what I want with my car." I say.

"I know your rich and all, but what does your dad even do for you to have an unlimited black card. I wish he was my father." he says while laughing. Oh Jay, if you knew how disgusting of a person he was, you wouldn't think twice in running away.

"Uh he just works at a company." I mumble to him since I'm a bad liar. We change the subject while we walk out and I see a familiar someone.

"Chaewon?" I hear Jay say as we open the exit doors.

"Who's that-" I hear Jay say, before I lay eyes on the man we were talking about. I look him up and down and realize his filthy hands are on Chaewon.

"Father!!" I scream while running towards him. I pull his hand off of Chaewon and step in front of her.

"I told you to never fucking touch her!! Can you listen for once?!" I scream at him while panicking. Did he do something else to Chaewon?

"Heeseung, let's talk at home okay?" he says while his fake smile when he would definitely rather be cursing me out right now.

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