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"Heeseung please." I say with tears streaming down my face. The world stops spinning for a moment when his eyes meet mine.

"Chaewon..." he mumbles while keeping his eyes on me.

"Who the fuck let this happen?? Who wants to die in my hands tonight?" Heeseung roars to the whole room while it runs dead silent.

"Oh fuck!" I hear Jake's voice say as a herd of footsteps enter the room. I keep my hands on Heeseung's arm, just to make she he doesn't do anything more.

"What fucking happened??" Jay says loudly while checking Hyunwoo's pulse. I see everyone let out a small sigh of relief when Hyunwoo starts coughing.

"This fucking asshole touched Chaewon. Huh?! I'm gonna fucking kill you." Heeseung says again while trying to land his fist onto Hyunwoo, instead Sunghoon and Jake pull him back this time.

"Let me fucking go!! I'm gonna kill that bastard!!" he shouts making the room echo with his loud voice.

I feel vulnerable, with everyone's stares on me but I'm still thinking about other people, not giving myself a second to collect myself.

"Heeseung I'm-I'm fine." I manage to utter as more tears roll down my face. I see Namjin hugging me but I flinch and push her away with all my strength left.

"Your fucking not! Let me fucking go!! He deserves to be hit so much more!" Heeseung says while looking like a maniac with his shaky eyes and unstable body.

"Heeseung stop! Your gonna fucking kill him! Don't you see?? I wish I could break him in half but Heeseung, you've already done enough!" Jake screams while taking glances at me.

"Fuck off." He says while walking to me. I try to look up at him but all I can do is breath correctly at the moment.

I feel the weight of his jacket on my shoulders and a tight grasp on my wrist before he forces me to walk out with him.

I wince in pain from his tight grip but he doesn't seem to care until we get to his car. I watch as he finally turns to me, looking no better then earlier.

"Heeseung. Please. It hurts." I say while looking down at my wrist. He immediately lets go and backs up.

"I'm so so sorry. I-I should have been there. I should have-" I cut him off by caressing his face with my hands.

"It's fine." I say while tears stream down my face again. Oh how much I wish this was just a dream. A nightmare.

"No it's not, Chaewon, are you okay? That fucking asshole, I'm so sorry for not being there to prevent the whole thing." he says while his eyes become normal and so does his breathing.

"Fuck, your lips... How dare he lay hands on your beautiful face?" he says while tilting my head upwards to look at it clearly.

I push my head down to hide it from him, feeling ashamed. Why do I feel so ashamed? Is it my fault? I didn't stop him...

"Heeseung..." I say before I totally breakdown in front of him. All my feelings from before and now, pour out. All my emotions that were building up, just poured out.

"Chae, it's not your fault. Look at me." he says while tilting my head upwards to his eyes.

"It's not your fault. It has never been your fault. This happened solely because of that motherfucker. Give me the word and I'll kill him." Heeseung says while reassuring me. He places his hands on my back for comfort but all I give back is a yelp and some sort of flinch.

The memory from Hyunwoo pushing his hands all over me flow back making me even more ashamed. I can't help but think it was my fault. Did I like it? Am I that sinister and evil??

"I'm sorry. I should have came sooner. I'm sorry." Heeseung repeats. I shiver at the cold night breeze and his jacket falls off my shoulders, revealing the bruises from that monster.

"Keep this on. And get in. It's cold. Please don't blame yourself, Chaewon." he says while opening the door and putting his arm on the top to prevent my head from banging into it.

The couple seconds I have to myself are just pure torture. I feel everywhere he touched and laid his disgusting hands on.

I let it happen. I shouldn't have ever drank. I should have stayed sober and prevented it. If I wasn't drunk, would this have still happened?

"Chaewon. Chaewon!" I hear Heeseung's voice shout from beside me. It reminds me of Hyunwoo's loud voice making me flinch.

"Oh fuck. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." he says from beside me. I don't dare to put my head up and face him. Am I... Scared of him?

"Maybe what everyone said is true." I mutter to him, making it barely audible with my scratchy throat. I can taste my lipstick and mascara all up in my mouth as I swallow, but I don't have the energy to spit it out.

"What?" he says without starting his car. I finally make up the courage to lift my head up, from how calming and soothing his voice is now.

"I'm a whore. I crave attention. I didn't stop him. I-I tried. I s-swear. But... I di-didn't." I say while stuttering my words.

"Chaewon, don't fucking listen to those idiots. It's not your fault. You did try to stop him." he says calmly and taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Give me the word and I'll be right out, beating the shit out of those bastards." he says angerly. I put a small smile on my face from how he's acting.

"There's that gorgeous smile. Keep it on. It suits you." he says making me roll my eyes at his behavior.

"Can I say something?" I say quietly again. Does he find me annoying too? Is he even my real friend? I shouldn't doubt him, but after this I can't trust anyone.

"Of course. Go ahead." he replies.

"I was actually... scared of you earlier. I-It was like you were zoned out and if I didn't stop you, you would have... k-killed him." I say. I've never seen this side of him. He's never been this physical with anyone before. Even his own father.

"I don't know what came over me either. I just imagined what he did to you, and how you felt, and I couldn't stop." he says while looking down at his fists. I notice his bloody and gory knuckles making some tears fall out of my eyes imagining how painful they are.

It looks like he could even need stiches. How stupid can he be, to hurt himself so badly for someone else?

"Oh Heeseung..." I mutter while whimpering. I put my finger on his hand and realize it's burning hot. I watch as he flinches at my touch making me shed more tears while now, groaning.

"Chaewon, I'm fine. It doesn't hurt at all. S-See?" he says while touching it but he can't even speak properly while he does. He has a habit of touching his wounds to act like he's fine but I hate that habit.

"Let's-" I get cut off by a loud siren screaming from afar and coming closer. I turn my weak body to the back window and see a ambulance driving into the front of the mansion. Oh shit.

I watch as a familiar someone, carries out Hyunwoo on his back. I see Junghoon carrying him to the paramedics who are quick to put him on the gurney.

I then notice a blue and red light making me realize the police are here as well. Oh no. Heeseung is gonna get in trouble. And if he calls his father, everyone will know.

"Heeseung I'm gonna tell them it was my fault. Maybe if I say-" I get cut off by his opening his car door and walking out to where the police are.


Word count: 1330❤️❤️❤️

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