XX: the daze of scrutinising cheers.

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'Please give a warm welcome,' Techno turned to face him, something only those close to the King would recognise as affection beaming. 'To my soulmate, Wilbur Soot, and his younger brother, Tommy innit.'

Cheers erupted immediately, only accompanied by whistles as surprise spread onto faces. For a split second, Wilbur could feel some tension lifting from his shoulders, providing a moment of relief when the expected boo's did not hit. He was smiling on autopilot now, unsure of which camera to glance at and fighting to blink normally. Was he meant to wave? Focus on a particular camera? Just smile?

'It's okay to wave,' Techno whispered into his ear, microphone thankfully lowered. 'The cameras and sketch artists love that, or any other motion you do.' After a small pause, the tickle on his neck returned: 'just pretend I'm taking the photo.'

Noticing one particular camera in their direct view, Wilbur forcefully shoved his thoughts aside. Instinctively, he pulled his hand from Tommy's grip, throwing it carelessly over his shoulder with practiced ease. Just like the framed photo in his bedroom, he immediately recalled, but with a lot more unfamiliar coos. His brother relaxed into the side hug, and Wilbur couldn't be prouder as Tommy used his spare hand to tentatively wave.

Eventually, the flashes faded down and Wilbur allowed Tommy to separate from his hold. A silent conversation hurtled between them, pure relief and embarrassment crawling between their eyes. It was unusual, knowing that people were watching you but being unable to pinpoint who, and he didn't know how he was expected to get used to it.

There was no hiding now: everyone knew who he was.

'Further details regarding the brothers will be released to the press later today.' Techno added, reminding him of the pre-written information fact-files that he had personally supervised. 'But let one thing be made clear now: they should be treated identically to King Phil and I.'

What? His eyes widened as his head, not so subtly, snapped towards Techno. Was he hearing things now? His soulmate's eyes provided no answer, and Wilbur watched incredulously as the microphone was replaced by his hand. The implications of his words ran rampage in his mind, prompting doubts and concerns he wasn't even aware he had.

'- wish everyone safety and good fortunes.' Blinking, Wilbur comprehended that Phil had begun speaking. 'Please, do not lose your faith. All measures are being taken to protect this empire, and we have confidence that the Cold-Blooded Empire will win this war. Especially,' a tighter grip was welcomed on his hand 'when we have fate on our side.'

Seemingly reminded of the reason for the announcement, the cameras began flashing again. This time, Wilbur noted, they were aimed at the soulmates. He turned his head to the side, blinking when he noticed Techno had already done the same.

In their own little bubble, the world passed into blurs of colours, the blinding lights fading before they could reach. He wanted to stay there; pretending that there weren't eagle eyes trained on him. Techno wouldn't want that, though. His soulmate would secretly want a good impression, an image of a strong connection to shatter any presumption of weakness. Wordlessly, Wilbur twisted their joint hands, a quiet message of understanding dancing between them. Looking forward and vacuuming a quick breath, Wilbur swung their arms upwards.

It's written on his arm. ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat