Chapter 10

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Kion saw a slender tall female cheetah she had blue eyes and a scarred muzzle and kinda looks exactly like Fuli but less scarred

Kion saw Fuli shuddering he snarled angrily and blocked Fuli from her aunt view he snarled angrily at her

Fuli aunt went to the watering hole as Kion watched her Fuli aunt hissed:" don't get your mane fizzled lion I'm just in a need for a drink while you protect the runt over their

Kion snarled:" don't you call her that

Fuli aunt just smiled and said:" make me lion she knows what she is she never was good at her wits end but only thinks of trying to be mommy best

Fuli looks away from him Kion saw a tear ran down Fuli face Kion felt his anger come near he was ready to blow this cheetah to the next mountain over

Fuli aunt just stop drinking the water and sighed and said:" ah yes such a wonderful day

Fuli aunt looks at Fuli and saw her niece crying she smirked as she made her mark on her but then Kion snarled and said:" leave now

Fuli aunt just smiled and said:" oh no worries lion I'm just seeing how the runt hold on as my boys ripping her to shreds she had some fight but sadly my boys always wins

Kion roared:" stop talking about Fuli or I will hurt you

Fuli aunt just smiled and said:" is that so

Fuli looks at kion he snarled at Fuli aunt Fuli nuzzled him Kion looks down at her while Fuli aunt laughs at this and said:" you two sickens me a lion and a cheetah what abomination your kids would be

Kion snarled at her he saw Fuli aunt smiled then said:" for now I be waiting for you Runt to be crawling back to me begging for forgiveness for betraying your family

Kion growled and said:" she won't because I love her

Fuli looks at him he sounded so strong and sincere he really does care about her

Fuli aunt smiled and said:" love she will never be able to love I made sure of that because I'm her comfort and she will lead back to me to prove she a cheetah a pure cheetah

Kion snarled and said:" your wrong Fuli a true cheetah more than you

Fuli aunt smiled then said:" we shall see byeeee

Kion saw Fuli aunt turns and leaves kion blows raspberry at her with a frown

Fuli looks down and said:" kion what is she right

Kion nuzzled her and said She wrong Fuli your strongest cheetah I know she well she a bully and seem like she a terrible parent but she didn't raise you. you did on your own

Fuli smiled and said:" thank you kion

Kion smiled and said:" come let's head back to priderock together

Fuli smiled and followed kion with their tail intertwined with each other

Hopefully everyone is having a great day and I hope everyone noticed a Easter egg of a quote I did with one of my favorite Disney XD shows that is on certain hiatus but hopefully back on soon :') then again have a wonderful day and keep on writing

Kion x Fuli - is she the one for me { under edit}Where stories live. Discover now