Here they were, making land on the planet where it all began.

Set with a plan to defeat their brothers. A seemingly full-proof plan- even having Commander and Captain on stand-by, ready to be transported at any notice.

He was surrounded with his brothers and friends.

And yet... never had Blaze felt so alone.

They made silent cues and nodded through signals as they made their way towards the large, dense jungle. The first plan required a bait.

Blaze immediately volunteered.

None of his brothers went against this.

It shouldn't have hurt knowing he deserved that.

But it still did.

And now, here he was, roaming around the forest trying to be discreet but at the same time trying to be found as he randomly stepped on dried leaves and twigs.

Even if they hated his guts, he should trust his team. No matter what.

"Oh... look who we have here."

Blaze immediately turned to see Reverse Gempa sitting on one of the branches of a tall tree, smiling down at him. He was found too soon, but nonetheless, the plan is on the go as he discreetly pressed once on the emergency button on his watch.

Where was Thorn?

"Don't look so afraid, dear brother." Gempa cooed before climbing down the branches with ease despite his golem hands, "I came alone. RevBot is with Thorn right now, they're taking their sweet time at the abandoned village. Thorn seems to like it there a lot."

"You mean the village you practically pulverized?" Blaze didn't dare lower his guard and summoned his flames, "Snap out of it, Gempa! This isn't you!"

"So I've been told." Gempa smirked, not even flinching at the flames that grew, "But what if it is?"

"He's called RevBot for a reason!"

"That is true." Gempa hummed, "But you know what? Ever since I became this... I feel like I've grown stronger. That nothing can hold me back. I feel like I can do anything!"

Blaze winced at the crazed look on the other's crimson eyes and unknowingly took a step back. His brother immediately took note of this and smiled wider, "You're scared of me."

"I'm not-"

"Join me, Api." He froze at his surprisingly warm tone, "I'm sorry for all the harsh things I said to you. And I know you think I never trusted you before I turned to this, and you were right."

Hearing that admission was like a slap to his face but he kept his expression set in anger. However, Gempa must've noticed something shifted as he continued on.

"But now that I'm Reverse, I realized things I never did before. You being unpredictable and never following orders? I believe it's actually a good thing!" Gempa said, suddenly looking excited, "Aside from your fire, you've got the element of surprise on your side!"

"You're right, I don't like following orders." Blaze scowled poising himself for an attack, though in the inside he was panicking. Where were the others?! They were supposed to execute the plan by now! "As if I'll listen to the likes of you! I'll always choose my team over you!"

"Really?" Then Gempa's excitement was replaced with a calm smirk, "Even when they allowed you to be the bait?"

His eyes widened. How did he-?!

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