Chapter 7: Outset

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Custom hall 2 was more of a team-centric venue. With an undecorated rectangular table being the forefront, on either ends of the room, were one way mirrors, similar to the ones we encountered before. The dealer was awaiting our arrival, and directed us (Me, Hirata and the girls) to one of the observation rooms.

"Woah, everything's so fancy here." Azuma geeked. The same sight greeted us. Stacked with gizmos of various kinds of tech, operated by the very same but this time with baggy eyes that can rival the undead; Mizowaki Arata from class 2-B - the temporary broadcaster of custom TSA matches.

Hirata greeted the insomniac. The latter was gripping his hair anxiously and eyes scintillated at our arrival.

"Hirata, Ayanokouji." He nodded at each of us respectively.

"So... who's the dude that's one blow away from dropping dead." Azuma vilified heedlessly the question floating on everyone's mind.

"THREE DAYS! THREE! DAYS! I have barely gotten a wink of sleep. At first it seemed pretty fun skipping secretary duties but THIS IS TORTURE!" Senpai fulminated tragically.

"I'm stuck doing this until the SC hires a new broadcaster but no one has applied. I'm going to be ruined. So, please be a good kouhai for once. Hirata, Ayanokouji, I beg you. Finish this match quickly. I'm rooting for you two. I even forgot how my bed feels!" Senpai did a dogeza slamming his head onto the carpet. The girls quailed in disgust.

Hirata smiled awkwardly back and said he'd do his best.


The dealer beckoned Hirata and I to the centre of the room to explain the game and rules. The cameras focused and watched our every move from all four corners. How on Earth did I roped into this! I was expecting a simple game yet very much inconspicuous. Not whatever this is. There were so many unused poker tables where we could have snuck a game and dealt with this. Why go through all the trouble to organise it here?

It boiled down to one thing. Satonaka wanted a spectacle. He wanted to flaunt his victory in front of everyone. He's the kind of guy who thrills in the attention he receives. An exhibitonist.

Having noticed the timid and good natured Hirata, the predator found a prey to mince upon. But he didn't account for one thing.

"Hello everyone, I'll be your dealer for the night. The game you'll be playing is called Poker No. 17. The game premises with only 17 cards. The cards used are namely 4 Aces, 4 Kings, 4 Queens, 4 Jacks and one joker. The joker can be presumed as a wildcard - that is it can take the form of any other card. I'll pass you this sheet that consists of all the rules. Give it a read."

All four of us seated across one another received a paper as we started to go through the rules.

The rankings for the game were:

Five of a kind (A♥ A♦ A♠ A♣ and joker) - Contains five cards of one rank.

Royal Flush ( A♣ K♣ Q♣ J♣ and joker) - Five cards of the same suit

Four of a kind (J♥ J♦ J♠ J♣) - Four cards of the same rank

Full house (K♣ K♠ K♣ Q♥ Q♠) - Three cards of the same rank, and two cards of a different, matching rank.

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