Start of New Beginings

Start from the beginning

      A few days later it was Sunday. Eddie woke up sick. She had thrown up twice before Jamie got up
"Eddie are you okay?" Jamie asked her through the door
"I don't feel good Jamie" she said
      Jamie opened the door and sat beside her and gently rubbed her back. When more nausea hit, he held her hair back as she threw up
"I'm gonna go back to bed" she said
"alright, come on" he said as he helped her up
"do you want any food?" he asked
"oh god no. I just want to sleep" she said
"okay, I'll just bring you up a water. You need to stay hydrated" he said
       He pulled the covers over her and went downstairs and made her a water. By the time he brought it back up she was asleep.
      Eddie slept most of the day. Jamie had brought her some bread and crackers around lunch time and he sat with her as she tried to eat. She finally got up around three so she could get dressed and be ready for dinner by four. She hadn't eaten anything but the few crackers and bread for lunch, so she hoped she wouldn't get sick for dinner
"are you sure you're okay for tonight?" Jamie asked her
"Jamie you know family dinner is mandatory" she said
"yea I know but you've hardly moved all day" he said
"I'l be fine. Maybe I can just eat some bread and salad without the dressing" she said
They pulled up to the Reagan house and everyone was already sitting down ready to eat
"hey guys, sorry we're a bit late. I've had this killer migraine all day" Eddie lied
"oh you're good. We just sat down" Erin said
"have you tried to take anything for it"? Henry asked
"I have these new migraine pills" she said
"oh and that reminds me, the Doc said no wine for dinner for a few days" she lied again
"oh, well we can just pour it back then" Erin said taking her glass away

      Luckily through most of the dinner Eddie was able to keep her nausea under control. She was able to eat some mashed potato's, bread and some salad without the dressing. They stayed fairly late and watched the game and Eddie eventually fell asleep on Jamie
"hey, you're falling asleep-" Jamie said
"Eddie" he said as he gently woke her
"oh, sorry" she said
"I think we should head back. You need your rest" he said
"hey guys it's getting kind of late and we both have an early start tomorrow so we're gonna head out" Jamie said
       They hugged everyone good bye and then they drove home. As soon as they got home, the car had made Eddie sick again after eating dinner. She ran into the house and barely made it to the bathroom with Jamie close behind her.

       Another three weeks later and Eddie had her second ultrasound appointment with Jamie. She could definitely feel the baby growing and she did wear baggier clothes to try to hide it until she announced it to everyone. She wasn't huge, but she definitely noticed a change in her body.
        They waited patiently in the waiting room and then they got called back
"so how have you two been?" Maddie asked
"good but sick" Eddie laughed
"it'll get better after your first trimester" Maddie said
"do you have any kids?" Eddie asked her
"no but someday maybe. All of my friends are Mom's" Maddie said
"go ahead and sit up on the table, we'll grab sone quick vitals and get started" Maddie said
"good heart rate and blood pressure" Maddie said
"I've been trying to fix my diet" Eddie said
"which if you knew how she ate before" Jamie laughed
"hey! I was never that bad" Eddie said
"really Eddie? You could eat two bacon sandwiches and a steak for lunch" he laughed as she playfully smacked him
"yea well I am trying to cut back on the carbs, and obviously no drinking" Eddie said
"well thats good. The healthier the better, and be sure to take those prenatal vitamins too" Maddie said
"alright sorry if the gels a little cold" she said
"lets find that heart beat" she said
"there it is" she said
       There was a moment of silence as Maddie kept rolling the wand around on Eddie's stomach
"is everything okay?" Eddie asked when she got quiet
"ummm, yea let me just double check something. Sorry I've gotta keep moving this wand around on you" she said
"I've gone back to work as normal, did I do too much?" Eddie asked trying not to panic
"well you will most likely need bed rest most by your six or seven month mark. But right now everything seems normal. Can you hear the second heart beat?" Maddie asked
"wait... second?" Jamie asked in shock
"oh my god, twins!?!" Eddie said
"yep, there's baby A and there's baby B" Maddie said
"oh my god Jamie!!!" she said
"will Eddie be okay carrying twins? I mean, she is smaller" Jamie said
"she should be perfectly fine. She's young and healthy. We will keep a close watch on the three when it gets closer to the delivery" Maddie said
"I'll get your pictures, Eddie you can go ahead and sit up" Maddie said
"oh my god Jamie! I can't believe there are two in here!!" Eddie said as she sat up
"when can we tell the family? We do Sunday dinner every week and I don't know how much longer I can not drink at the table" Eddie laughed
"I've been using migraines as an excuse" she said
"well woman usually wait until the first trimester but you are young and healthy so telling everyone now should be okay. However you are in a high risk job" Maddie said
"oh don't worry, she's gonna be put on parking summons or desk duty. We aren't taking any chances" Jamie said
"thats good. Well here are the photo's, and I'll see you guys in another couple of weeks" Maddie said
"thank you" Eddie said
"thanks" Jamie said
They went to lunch at their favorite spot down the road from their apartment and they talked about starting to set up the nursery
"so we should have two cribs, and they have those cool baby monitor things now" Eddie said
"what color should we paint it?" she asked
"something neutral since we don't know what we're having yet" Jamie said
"maybe a light turquoise or pale purple?" Eddie said
"how about we plan later. We don't have to do it all in one day" Jamie said
"I know, I'm just excited!!" she said
Later that evening Eddie ordered one of those baby frames that showed the progression and a scrap book for her ultra sound pictures. They spent the night in and Eddie was just overwhelmed with excitement. Jamie was excited too but more nervous then Eddie was. He was scared something would happen to her or his unborn babies. He never realized how much he wanted to even have kids until he married Eddie. Now he knew what having a family meant.

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