He had a skinny build ... but it definitely fit him.

"Can we talk?" I questioned as I made my way inside.

"You said it was important, so yeah of course."

He seemed out of it, tired maybe... I wonder how he was doing.

"Are you okay?" I questioned him.

He shrugged, "naaah ... but I'll be aight Mama."

I frowned, "you don't wanna talk about it?"

"Nah, I don't." His response was short and dry.

Just get on with it Samora.

"You remember the night we had sex?"

He made a face, "yeah ... first time I did that in a few years."


"Okay well — I need to tell you something."

He made a face, "and whats that Samora?"

I frowned up my face completely; not him calling me by my real name.

"This baby might be yours," I blurted out and Kasim raised his eyebrows.

"What?" He looked at me confused.

"I said this baby might be yours," I mumbled this time.

"What, Samora how? We fucked once and after that you was right back with Los."

"All it takes is one time Kas... the reason I'm telling you this is because my estimated due date doesn't match up with the last time Los and I had sex ... and that's why I thought this baby could be yours."

He shook his head, "is there a way we can find out for sure? You told your mans?" He questioned me.

"No - I can't tell Salem. He'll kill me." I said lowly.

"This is a fucked up situation— if this baby is mine you know you can't be fucking on Salem while carrying my child bro. Its not coo." He spoke to me.

I nodded, "I know ... I wanna get a dna test done... if you're up for it."

"Yeah, I need to know for sure. Cause if so, I gotta get right and fast." Kasim said to me.

He wasn't no bum or nun ... but he definitely wasn't balling like Salem.

"Is it too soon? Or," he questioned.

"No, I'm 20 weeks; 5 months so we can get one done."

"Aight... set up an appt and let me know wassup. You need anything?" He questioned me.

I wanted to cry because he was handling this so well.

"I'm fine, are you okay? I just tossed a bomb at you and you're freakishly calm."

He nodded his head, "I learned how to stay calm on the outside since I was a kid ... but inside there's so many questions, confusion, happiness Idk."

I nodded my head in understanding, "I'll call now, get the appointment set up. I'll just do it here."

Kas waited patiently as I made the phone call to my ob.

"Holy Spirit, how may I help you," the voice rang through the speaker of my phone.

"Hi, my name is Samora Graves; date of birth is May 25th, 2001. I'm 20 weeks pregnant and I wanted to set a dna test."

"Okay ms.graves— what time of day is preferred," I heard some clicking on her keyboard as she spoke.

"Uhm evening is fine,"

"Okay, I have a 2 o'clock available tomorrow!" She spoke into the phone.

I looked at Kasim for confirmation, he nodded his head.

"I'll take that, thank you."

"Of course, can I be of assistance with anything else?" She questioned me.

"No, thank you. Have a good day,"

"You too," and then the line went dead.

I sighed deeply, I was so fucking nervous.

I don't know what I'm gonna do if this baby isn't Salem's — like we're not together right now ... but he got me at home with him again.

I don't know how the fuck I'm gonna deal with all this.

"Can I get a hug?" I looked at Kasim, I noticed his eyes was on my belly.

I had a slight pudge, noticeable because my belly is normally flat.

Kasim didn't say nun at first, I watched as his hand made way to my stomach.

He just sat it there for a moment, he looked to he in deep thought.

I didn't say anything else as he gently ran his hand over my stomach.

I let him bask into the moment...cause if this was his kid— he'd probably do this a lot more often.

He loves Imaan, so I know he'd be an amazing father.

Salem on the other hand? I feel like he might be a good dad... only because of how he took care of me.

But who knows.

After a very minutes, Kas pulled away and stood up and pulled me into his arms.

"If this my baby, I'm gon do the best I can for both of yall." He spoke.

My heart melted as I wrapped both of my arms around his torso.

He held me close, and I just sighed deeply as I rested my head on his chest.

Lowkey hope, he is the dad.


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not updating unless goal is met.

haven't updated this book in 2 months - sorry yall.

anyway, I think I'm back and gonna be more consistent this time.

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