Chapter 5

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Macau opened his eyes as light poured into his room from between his curtains. He looked around his room wondering how he got back there. He vaguely recalled Pete waking him up at the hospital last night, quietly telling him he needed to go home and had called a taxi for him. He must have fallen asleep again since he couldn't recall anything after that besides walking half asleep to his room in the early hours of the morning before collapsing on his bed. He didn't know how long he stayed up last night, venting to his unconscious brother about everything that happened the day before, all the while wishing he would wake up. He didn't recall the time it was when he finally fell asleep on the side of Vegas' bed, or when Pete woke him up and he came back to the Minor house.

Macau groaned as he remembered his brother's motorbike, still parked in the hospital parking, he would have to go get that soon. He reached over to his bedside table and felt around, knocking a few things to the ground before finally finding his phone. He pressed the power button, but nothing, he pressed it again still finding a blank screen. He groaned once more as he got up from his bed and went to the table in front of his tv, finding his phone charger and plugging it in. He grabbed his towel, still on the couch from the night before, and went to the bathroom, having a nice hot shower. When Macau finished, he left the bathroom, a cloud of steam trailing behind him, and grabbed his phone from the table. It seemed like forever before his phone finally started up and turned on, showing Macau the time, 10:38.

'Shit' he said to himself before rushing around his room trying to find whatever clothes he could move in all the while drying his hair as fast as he could. When he finally had all his clothes and some shoes on, he rushed out his door and ran to the courtyard. He told Chay to meet him at the training rooms at 10 this morning. Macau cursed himself for not checking the time sooner as he reached the courtyard and ran down the hall and to the training room. He took a few seconds to catch his breath before opening the door on going in looking around the room for Chay.

It was a moment before Macau's eyes found Chay, standing in the corner of the room looking at all the different workout machines. Macau quickly walked over to him and called out, 'I'm sorry I'm late.'

Chay jumped a little at Macau's voice, making Macau smile a little, before turning to him. 'That's all right' he said, looking to the ground, not meeting Macau's eye. Macau frowned at Chay's behavior, different from the day before. He thought about the events of yesterday, shit. He looked at Chay, he probably thinks I'm still touchy about what happened yesterday.

Macau thought about what he could do to get Chay to relax. If he was being honest with himself, he did overreact a little bit, it wasn't anything new that someone commented on his childhood, however, he was just angry with himself that he let so much show that this person he just met could pull his life apart. Now that he thought about it, he was just projecting his frustrations onto Chay who did nothing wrong. Macau looked at Chay, regret at how he treated him flowing through him.

He sighed, 'and I'm also sorry about yesterday.' In Macau's whole life he had only said sorry twice before, once to his childhood friend who he accidentally hit in the balls and once to his father. When he apologized to his father, all he received was a smack to the face and screaming that to apologize was to be weak, however, he felt when dealing with someone like Chay, it was necessary to be direct and most importantly, sincere.

It seemed to do the trick as Chay studied his face and then relaxed, 'I accept your apology, but' Chay paused and Macau tensed, 'you weren't the only one at fault, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said what I said, it's your private business and your life.'

Macau let out a breath of relief and looked at Chay with a small smile, 'it's fine.' Chay also smiled, glad that Macau didn't hold anything against him. 'Well,' Macau continued, 'shall we get started then?' At Chay's nod, Macau made his way to the middle of the floor again taking his shoes off and motioning for Chay to do the same. He stood opposite Chay on the big mat this time telling him his plan, 'today I want to test your reflexes, so try not to focus on blocking but rather avoiding my attacks.' At Chay's uncertain look, Macau reassured him smiling, if a little wickedly, 'don't worry I will try not to hit you'.

Chay scoffed but smiled, 'wow, that makes me feel so much better he said getting into the defense position he taught him yesterday before motioning for Macau to start.

For the next 2 hours, Macau explained and demonstrated all the different ways someone could attack you in a fight and how best to dodge those attacks. He slowly showed Chay where someone would aim for when attacking, and how best he could avoid it. Macau could see how hard Chay was concentrating and observing him throughout his instructions, smiling with pleasant surprise when Chay picked it up quicker than he expected.

Both covered in sweat, Macau and Chay went over to the side of the room and to the fridge filled with lots of water and a variety of protein snacks. They grabbed a water bottle each and took a couple of swigs, Macau looked at Chay who was still drinking, 'Ok, I'm now going to attack you as someone would in a normal fight, and you have to try to predict and dodge my attacks.'

Chay lowered the bottle and put the cap back on, as he swallowed the water in his mouth. 'Ok,' he looked at Macau, worried, 'but don't go too hard on me' he finished, giving Macau a nervous smile.

Macau patted him on the back as they made their way back into the middle of the room and onto the mat, 'you'll be fine' he said. At Chay's doubtful look, he laughed, 'you're better than you think.'

Chay got into position opposite Macau, 'if you say so,' he said uncertainly but with a little smile. Macau smiled back waiting for the 'all good' before he attacked. Chay closed his eyes and took a breath before opening them in determination and nodding at Macau to start.

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