Chapter 3

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Chay was certainly not what Macau imagined. To be honest, he wasn't sure what he expected of Porsche's little brother, but the shy boy in front of him was definitely not that. As they made their way to the middle of the floor, Macau looked at Chay. He didn't seem that strong physically, but mentally, there was something there. Aside from that, there wasn't much he could tell, the only way he would get a feel for what Chay could do was to test his natural fighting style.

Macau turned to Chay and looked him up and down, he could tell he was uncomfortable as he looked anywhere except at him, but that was expected considering who Macau was. Macau told Chay to take off his shoes before proceeding to do the same. He then went over to the mat in the middle of the floor and waited for Chay, getting a feel for the soft ground beneath his feet bouncing from foot to foot. Chay also walked onto the mat and looked at Macau, waiting for him to start. Macau again questioned himself on if his way of training Chay would work, deciding he had to try, he quickly raised his left hand, aiming his fist at Chay's face.

Chay blocked the attack quicker than anticipated, however, his form was not reliable. Macau looked at his face, it was shocked, scared but not so much that he didn't know what he is doing. Continuing, Macau then went to hit his from the other side, Chay blocked again this time taking a step back. Macau repeated the sequence again and again and again, Chay blocking him the best he could. Macau then changed his direction and went for Chay's unprotected stomach not giving him enough time to block. Before he made contact, he stopped and stepped back giving Chay some space to catch his breath.

'Your natural defense is better than expected', Macau said to Chay, watching him, seeing what his reaction would be.

Chay took another breath and stood up straight looking at Macau in disbelief, 'I know you're meant to be training me, but you could have given me a little warning', he said calming his breathing.

Macau smiled, 'I guess you just have to trust my teaching methods,' Chay gave him an uncertain look before looking at the ground and slowly nodding, Macau continued, 'can you get into your natural stance for me?' Chay moved his body to the position he remembered being in when Macau attacked him, and Macau came over and circled him, looking at how he was standing. 'If you stand like that in a real fight you will end up on your arse' he said smiling.

Chay glared at him, 'well I don't know what I'm doing! I just tried not to get hit in the face!' he exasperated.

Macau just smiled and stood next to Chay making a fighting stance of his own, 'copy how I am standing'. Macau watched as Chay studied his body and mimicked the position he was standing in.

Chay looked at Macau, 'is this right?' he asked looking down at himself, then at Macau.

Macau smiled and went over and reached towards him before stopping and looking at Chay, 'is it alright if I adjust your stance?' he asked worried that Chay wouldn't want him touching him. Shocked at the sincerity of the question, Chay just nodded and watched as Macau reached for his feet first. He went up Chay's body moving him as he talked, 'if you position your feet like this you will have more balance when moving around and dodging enemy attacks, you never lock your knees, otherwise you will lose your ability to balance as well. Loosen your hips so you have more movement in your upper body and can dodge easier. Always keep your arms up and close in a fight so you can protect your face at all times.

After Macau finished, he looked up to Chay who was wearing a troubled expression on his face, and took a step away, worried he made him too uncomfortable. 'Sorry if that was awkward for you'.

Chay shook his head, 'it's not that, it's just, you weren't trained like this were you?' at Macau's confused look, Chay elaborated, 'You are being too cautious, you're too worried about how I'll react to you and if you will hurt me' Chay paused before continuing cautiously, 'which makes me think that's what you're trying to avoid since that's the way you grew up.'

Macau could only stare at Chay, in just a few interactions, he stripped him completely bare. It was true, that Macau had a much different childhood than Chay experienced and is not going to train him in the same way he was taught. Looking at others training at the Minor house growing up, he realized their way of teaching was cruel, to say the least. He was never taught what a proper stance was in a fight, never taught how to punch, or defend. Eventually, after being beaten, again and again, and left with many broken bones, he developed the needed skills to survive in his family's world.

Realising Chay was still staring at him, Macau blocked the emotions threatening to show and ignored Chay's previous comment. 'Get back into the stance you were just in, this time you are going to try and hit me', he said emotionlessly. Chay sighed and did what Macau said, no matter how many times he tried to hit him, he never landed any hits, although, he now felt more comfortable in his stance than before, being able to balance when Macau knocked away all of his attacks.

By the end of the training session both Macau and Chay were covered in sweat, 'That's it for today, go and take a shower, I'll see you here tomorrow morning,' Macau said to Chay before leaving the room and Chay.

When Macau got to his room, he slammed his door shut. He didn't understand why he was affected by what Chay said so much. Maybe after all these years, of hiding his emotions and making sure no one knew what he was thinking, the fact that this boy that had never met him before was able to pull his life apart in a matter of minutes. 'He's just a kid who has had no idea about anything that goes on in the mafia' he said to the air around him, ripping off his clothes before going to his bathroom and taking a cold shower. After he finished, he flopped on his couch and grabbed his gaming console, a towel still around his neck. He played level after level, trying to vent all his rage out and into the game for a few hours before finally giving up.

Macau grabbed his jacket and the keys to Vegas' motorbike and left his room slamming the door once again. He went to the elevator and went down to the basement level. The elevator doors opened with a ping, and he walked over to the red bike standing in the same place Vegas had left it. Hopping on, he started the engine and rode up the ramp and out of the complex. Macau looked down the road looking for cars, instead, he saw Chay alone. The sight of him was strange as he was dressed in a crisp white shirt and black dress pants which didn't seem to Macau like Chay's style, not to mention it was much passed 11. He discarded the thought as he pulled out onto the main road reaving the bike, and leaving the Minor house.

The cold air pressing against every part of his body as he drove helped Macau cool down, bringing down his pulse as well. By the time he got to the hospital, most of the rage he pent up at the Minor house had left his body. He went up to the elevator and waited as it made its way down to him before going in and pressing the button for the 26th floor. He leaned his head against the wall of the elevator listening to the now familiar music of the hospital, the ping of the elevator alerted him that he arrived at his floor, and he left heading down the seemingly endless hallways of the hospital. He arrived at the door of his brother's hospital room and took a deep breath before softly knocking and grabbing the handle of the door, going into the room. 

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