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When Rudolph awoke, he found himself back on the cold stone floor where he'd began. He started to assume that the events of the previous night had just been some wild, stress induced dream, but that was before he looked over and saw Fredrick sleeping on the floor beside him. The memories of the previous night came flooding back to him in a blur. The argument leading up to it, the way Fredrick grabbed his face, and other things (😏😏), but he quickly snapped out of it when he realized he was no longer chained up. He took one last look at Fredrick, and then made a break for the door. He quickly ascended the flight of stairs and bounded out the basement door, making his way through Fredrick's house to find an exit. He quickly left Fredrick's house and swiftly ran down the street, back to his college. When he entered his dorm, he found his roomate Bob sitting there waiting for him. He tried to avoid interacting with him, but that didn't last long when Bob suddenly broke the silence with a question. "Where've you been?" Bob asked. "Meeting an old friend." Rudolph responded. "Who?" Bob asked, a bit hastier than before. "Why do you care? You probably think i'm lying about this too." Rudolph snapped back, tired of Bob's pushy and overbearing behavior. "I don't, I was just wondering." Bob responded, sounding annoyed. Rudolph just rolled his eyes and sat down on his bed. It had been a long day, and he was tired. He sat there for a few minutes, before climbing under his sheets and going to bed.

sorry for not updating for so long, my dog ate my hand so i had to buy a new one and then my grandma fell in the pacific ocean and drowned because the couldnt swim 👍

rudolph the reindeer x fredrick the elfWhere stories live. Discover now