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          It was snowing when Rudolph decided to go for a walk, and he had luckily put on some warm clothes before he left. He walked around the campus of his college, and then walked into the town. He walked to his childhood neighborhood, and to his old house. It had never been sold, though it had been abandoned long ago. He remembered how he used to watch snowflakes fall past his window at night, and how he used to play in the snowy backyard. He remembered how he and Fredrick used to play in the snow all evening, and how one year he got frostbite from being out in the cold too long. He was still pondering why Bob acted the way he did, but his mind slowly drifted back to Fredrick. It had been 3 years since the plane crash, and he still wasn't over it. Fredrick had probably spent his last moments confused and afraid, and that made Rudolph feel horrible. He stood in the cold thinking about everything that had happened, when he heard footsteps behind him. He went to turn around, when he suddenly was knocked out.

    When he woke up, he opened his eyes to fluorescent lights, and a sudden sensation of disarray. He sat up and looked around, to find himself in some sort of basement-ish room. The walls of the room were blank, and the lights above him kept flickering. The floors and the wall seemed to be made out of the same smooth-stone material, which were constantly freezing. He had barely taken in his surroundings when he heard a door creak open at the top of the stairs behind him. It took him a second to process the sound, and once he had, he started hearing footsteps creeping down the stairs. He panicked and froze for a split second before turning around. When he finished turning around, what he saw behind him made him immediately freeze.

Standing behind him was the one, and the only, Fredrick.

oh my god this is so shocking wow
this is the end of the story i wrote in december so now it will become less family friendly and also it will be new from now on 🤪🤪

rudolph the reindeer x fredrick the elfWhere stories live. Discover now