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          "Missed me?" Fredrick asked with a sly tone.
Rudolph didn't respond at first, and just as he was about to, he was interrupted by Fredrick talking to him again. Rudolph had zoned out in his disbelief of the fact that Fredrick was still alive, until Fredrick said something that instantly drew his attention back to him. "I was shocked, i'll admit." Fredrick said. "About what?" Rudolph responded with a slight amount of hesitation. Fredrick paused and for a moment, but just a moment, almost looked confused.

          "When you left me for dead." He responded, and Rudolph thought that he heard a slight amount of sorrow in Fredrick's voice.
He quickly chased away that thought, though. Why would Fredrick have been sad? It's not like he still thought well about Rudolph, after he had been left for dead by him. So why would he have been sad that he'd forgot? Moved on? Rudolph was still pondering it when he noticed that he could move around freely. He hadn't been bound to the floor by chains or ropes and Fredrick didn't seem like he was going to cause him harm. He sat upright and looked around the room more now that his eyes had adjusted.

         "How've you been?" He asked Fredrick. Fredrick laughed. "After you left me to burn in that plane, I didn't think you'd care.". Rudolph was hurt by those words. He'd tried helping Fredrick, right?
The plane doors just wouldn't open. He'd tried, he knew he had. He loved Fredrick, and leaving him for dead had made him feel terrible. "I did care, and I still do." Rudolph said. He was sure Fredrick had heard the pain in his voice, and it embarassed him. "You're a really shitty liar, you know." Fredrick responded. Rudolph felt his blood boil. He truly felt bad about abandoning Fredrick, and he couldn't believe Fredrick was still so angry about it. He hadn't died, so what was the big deal?

the next chapter is gonna be rlly juicy so hold ur horses

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