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He met another elf named Bob. Bob was unlike Fredrick, and was extremely popular. Rudolph met Bob in college, where he was studying to be a psychologist. He wanted to help people who had some form of ptsd, much like he had, and still partially has. He met Bob when he moved in, due to Bob being his roommate. At first, they rarely talked and Bob seemed somewhat hostile. However, within about a week of Rudolph moving in, they started talking regularly and hung out a lot more.

Eventually, they got rather close, and Rudolph decided to tell him about the plane crash. He told him while they were hanging out like they usually did. He told him about how the plane had been struck by lightning, about how he managed to get away, and eventually about Fredrick. Bob listened at first, and seemed like he absolutely believed what Rudolph was telling him. But when Rudolph finished telling him about the tragedy, Bob didn't respond. He simply just sat there.

At first, Rudolph thought that it might have just taken him a while to process, after all, the whole world thought that everyone who was on that plane died. But after about a minute and a half of silence, Bob just started looking angry. Rudolph attempted to ask him what was wrong, when all of a sudden Bob started yelling at him. He started yelling about how a close family member of his died in that crash, and about how insensitive it was to lie about surviving it. Rudolph tried to explain, but Bob wouldn't let him. Bob eventually just got up and stomped out of the room without looking back. Rudolph felt hurt and betrayed, he didn't understand why Bob had acted out like that. He decided it was best to get up and go for a walk to try and clear his mind.


rudolph the reindeer x fredrick the elfWhere stories live. Discover now