the beginning

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Rudolph the Reindeer was a loner who had no friends, except for one elf named Fredrick. Fredrick also had no friends, but was incredibly rich. He and Rudoplh used to go traveling all over the world, when all of a sudden their plane to Venezuela was struck by lightning; which caused it to start slowly crashing. Luckily for Rudolph, he could fly and safely flew to ground level away from the crash. Once he landed on the ground, he suddenly remembered that Fredrick was on the plane, and started panicking. Fredrick was asleep when the plane had started going down, and had probably woken up confused amidst the chaos. He was contemplating what to do when he heard a loud engine sound, followed by a loud boom and the ground shaking.

He immediately knew what had happened, and rushed to the scene of the crash. He tried to go inside, but all of the doors were locked. He would have tried to unlock them, if there hadn't been so much fire and smoke. He eventually gave up and fled the scene of the crime, feeling horrible about abandoning Fredrick. He went home and went to bed, though he had a difficult time sleeping because of his guilty conscience. He laid there in silence throughout the night, and finally got up once the sun rose. He went into his living room and turned on the tv to watch the news. Unsurprisingly, the news reporter was talking about the plane crash, and how tragic it was. He wasn't phased by much of the stuff he was saying, until he said that there were no survivors. Rudolph's body immediately went cold, and he felt tears welling in his eyes. He shut off the tv and ran to his room crying. "I had no idea that would happen!" He sobbed. He couldn't believe Fredrick was dead, especially after all they'd been through together.

i have more parts to this but im splitting them up 😜😜

rudolph the reindeer x fredrick the elfWhere stories live. Discover now