back to where it started | 09

Start from the beginning

Lost in my thoughts, I absentmindedly toyed with the food before me, my fingers tracing patterns in the lifeless rice as I yearned for distraction. It was then that the door handle creaked open, breaking the suffocating stillness. A sliver of light seeped into the room, breathing life into the shadows that clung to the walls. It was a light I had unknowingly craved amidst the darkness that had consumed me.

As the door gradually swung open, my heart quickened its pace, anticipation mingling with a sense of trepidation. The figure that emerged remained shrouded in the dimness, their identity elusive. With each deliberate step they took, the air crackled with familiarity, and a glimmer of recognition tugged at the corners of my consciousness.

"Ada, my dear," he uttered, his voice slicing through the tension, its tone laced with condescension and a distinct absence of empathy. The mere sound of his voice sent shivers down my spine, a chilling reminder of the pain he had inflicted upon me.

My body tensed, and I instinctively turned away, desperate to shield my vulnerability from his prying eyes. The memory of his brutality haunted me, each ache and bruise etching itself deep within my being. I clenched my trembling hand into a fist, trying to summon the strength to defy him.

"Baby, don't turn away from me. You brought this upon yourself. Every action I've taken, I did it out of love, Ada," he asserted, his words dripping with a twisted sense of affection.

"Bullshit," I blurted out, my voice laced with defiance and a seething disdain that I could no longer suppress. The mask of compliance I had worn for far too long began to crumble, revealing the fire that burned within.

Defaz cursed under his breath, his frustration tangible in the air. Closing the distance between us with purposeful steps, he reached out, his calloused hands grasping my shoulders, attempting to force me to face him.

"Don't. Don't touch me!" I yelled, my voice rising in defiance, a surge of rage coursing through my veins. My ears throbbed with a cacophony of pounding beats as if the intensity of my emotions reverberated through every fiber of my being. I met his gaze, my eyes ablaze with a mixture of fury and a desperate desire for him to comprehend the pain he had inflicted upon me.

"You don't get to touch me," I declared, my voice steady and resolute as I removed his hands from my body, pushing them away with a force fueled by newfound strength.

"You don't own me, and you certainly don't have the right or ability to call me baby. Is this all some sick joke to you? A twisted game in your deranged mind?" I pressed on, my words cutting through the stagnant air. I already knew the answer, but a deep-seated longing for accountability compelled me to challenge him, to demand recognition of the profound wounds he had left behind.

"I think you've forgotten who you're talking to," he sneered, lunging forward, his grip once again enclosing my face, his touch a chilling reminder of the control he wielded. "You don't want to be reminded of what happened last time, do you?"

My exterior trembled, my body shaking involuntarily as I locked eyes with him, the weight of his words triggering a flood of painful memories. I shook my head vehemently, desperate to silence the haunting images that threatened to consume me. Slowly, he released his grip, his lips curling into a sinister smile.

"Good girl."

"Now, you may be wondering why I'm here. If my useless maid hasn't already informed you, we are getting married tonight. In just two hours. The public needs to believe that we are actually together."

"In what?" I erupted, my voice a mixture of disbelief and raw defiance as I rose to my feet, determined to challenge the oppressive chains that bound me. The pain surged through my body, threatening to topple my resolve, but I clung to my determination, refusing to succumb.

"I'll see you there, Ada," he stated with an air of finality before striding out of the room. The once-illuminated space now plunged into even deeper darkness, echoing the vast abyss that had enveloped my existence.

"Shit. I need to get out of here."

Authour Note: Hey, lovelies! It's been so long since a chapter has been released and I dooo sincerely apologize for so

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Authour Note: Hey, lovelies! It's been so long since a chapter has been released and I dooo sincerely apologize for so. Updates will now be commencing weekly, every Thursday from now on. Enjoy, love you all. To the next, chapter to come! >4

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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