You want to what?

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! You do not have to read this chapter if you are here for the actual objects interacting, and if you are reading this while chapter 2 is not out then I'm sorry, but you will have to wait a bit but only for like a day or two since I will most likely pick up the pace. Anyways have fun and I do accept criticism as long as it doesn't make me go onto the floor in a fetal position crying. Also the reason Oodle and Crayon Box know each other in this AU is because I believe they went to doodle school together, just a head cannon I had. And of course this was rushed since I wasn't sure if anyone would want to READ it. !

In the "Cabin of Object Hosts" were three hosts of object shows. Two, Mephone, and Oodle the Doodle! The three were discussing random topics that popped into their mind since this was probably going to be the only time, they got to talk with each other.

"You're both literal gods! Two, you moved a forest, A FOREST! And Oodle can travel through dimensions with no problem! I can recover people, but that's not really surprising. My greatest skill is to eat cookies." Mephone felt a tad bit jealous that he was talking to weirdly shaped meanaces that have the powers of magical creatures.

Two rolled their eyes, "Well I can't recover people so you should be grateful about that!" they pointed at Mephone. Oodle was kind of stuck in between them, twiddling his thumbs silently hoping that they wouldn't burst out into an argument.

Two and Mephone stared at each other for a moment before a knock could be heard on the door. "Hey guys! Can I come in? I let the Crayons go to the "Cabin of Co-Hosts" so they won't cause trouble here!" a female sounding voice could be heard on the other side of the door.

"Can't you hear that we are having a very importai- MM-" a hand was slapped onto Mephones map before he could finish his sentence, leaving the anonymous host confused. "Come in!" Oodle corrected Mephone but in the process, sounded worried.

The door opened to reveal an empty Crayon Box that still had her top opened. She quickly fixed the flap of cardboard and looked at the three who were sitting as if they were caught doing something wrong.

She grinned a little and waved at the three who were still giving each other death glares. "Oh, hey Oodle!" CB yelled in a cheerful way as she had noticed a familiar face, her old classmate at Doodle school.

"Wow! It has been a while since I last saw you! How are the Crayons doing (mostly green)?" Oodle chimed in with a little twinkle in his eyes. Crayon Box giggled a little.

"They are doing alright! They still act like the children they are, and don't worry, Green is doing good!" She replied while finding a spot on the tiny couch that had been placed in the cabin. She sat next to Two who had little to no idea who she was.

Once she was situated, she looked at Two who was giving her a very confused look, and she smiled and waved very awkwardly at them. "So, what are you guys talking about?" CB questioned while she turned to look at Oodle who was smiling slightly.

"I think they were talking about power or something, I don't know I wasn't really paying attention." he giggled awkwardly. Two and Mephone were staring at both of them like total manics, how did they already know each other?

"Anyways, I dropped by to ask you guys a question, do you guys have overly angry contestants?" she asked as she looked at everyones face to recognize exactly who they were. Everyone nodded, they all immediately recognized a contestant that never knew how to control their anger.

Crayon Box then stood up and walked in front of everyone as she changed completely into a different artstyle. "Well, I have organized this therapy room thing! We put all of our anger issued objects into the room and maybe they will help each other out!" She finished with enthusiasm and the other three were stuck in shock at the ridiculous idea.

Oodle was the first one to speak, "Well... are you sure they won't rip each other's throats out until one survives?" he asked while raising an eyebrow with his arms crossed. "Yeah, they would probably all be dismembered by the end, one raining supreme!" Two said in an over dramatic sort of way. MePhone laughed because it was 100% true.

"Well, I already have someone who agreed to it, plus if they die, we can just recover them!" Crayon Box assured as she pretended, she was doing a presentation. MePhone shrugged, "Sure as long as we are not airing this to the public." CB gave the thumbs up of approval.

"Well, what is in it for me? What do I get?" Two asked in a suspicious tone as they squinted. "A less angry contestant?" She answered with a nervous smile of confusion. "That does sound nice... Fine, only for that slight chance of her not yelling about how she hates every little thing!" Two stood up and joined CB in her presentation sort of pose.

She then turned to Oodle and stared at him and knocked her head to the side and in the process once again, changing her style. "Well- Uhm... yes?" he answered honestly wanting to get away from her box shaped head looking like some super evil villain. "Yes! So, I will go grab Gold Ingot since he said he didn't think my plan would work as well as it did." She yelled as she ran out of the cabin.

Oodle gave MePhone and Two a peace sign before disappearing into a portal. Two looked at MePhone before completely disappearing into dust. Mephone sat still on the couch and waited for the others to get back, until he noticed a snack table THEN he got up to go feast on his favorite snacks, cookies and a mile high pie.

-We have issues- (Object show crossover)Where stories live. Discover now