Chapter 10

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Kai Ramirez

I love her.

If it wasn't for Ivy, I wouldn't be here.

We may have only known each other for a while but what can I say? We were meant for each other.

And I never wanna leave her.

Too bad I have to go home tomorrow...

Ivy Diaz

"Come on Kai, you have to wake up" I chuckle while tapping her shoulder.

"Noooo" she groans and buries her head in the pillow.

"We have to go to school" I mumble in her ear.

"Fuck school"

"I'll give you a kiss if you get up"

And with that she jumps up and looks at me.


"I promise" I nod my head once.

"Well I'm waiting" she she says with attitude.

"Nu uh, you have to actually get up first"

She huffs and stands up.

"See now that wasn't so hard was it" I laugh as I pull her in for a kiss.

Her hands cup my face as she pushes me back on the bed.

She hovers over me and brings her lips to my neck.

"As much as I'm enjoying right now, we have to get ready"

She stops and looks at me.

"Fine...but after school-"

"Yeah yeah I know, you tie me down on the bed and watch me suffer as you deny my touch" I laugh at my own joke.

"Now that ain't a bad idea" she smirks.

"Oh my God! I was joking!" I shout and walk into the bathroom.

"Mhm, I wasn't" she mumbles.

"Just get in the shower idiot" I playfully roll my eyes.

When we get to history class which is not important in any kind of way I lean my head on Kai's shoulder.

"You tired?"


I don't know why though.

I was perfectly fine before I got to school.

Maybe it's just the class that's boring me...

"Go to sleep" she mumbles.

I hum and instantly doze off while she plays with my hair.

"You're just gonna hurt her, you don't deserve her" I hear a muffled voice as I open my eyes.

When I look up Jason is looking down at Kai.

"What's going on?" I ask tiredly.

Kai's head snaps to me and she looks angry.

"Nothing, come on" she grabs my wrist and pulls me out of class as Jason glares at us.

"What the hell was that about?"

"What did you hear?" She asks.

"You're just gonna hurt her, you don't deserve her" I copy Jason's words.

She tenses as she looks at me.

"Wait was he talking about me?"

She nods.

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