Chapter 6

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Ivy Diaz

We're currently waking down the streets of the city on our way to the bookstore.

We would've drove but today is so lovely that we decided to walk.

"Okay it's here" I point to the bookstore as we walk up to it.

"It's so beautiful..." Kai trails off as she admires the inside of the building.


"So what genre do you like reading most?" I ask walking through the isles.

I see her blush from beside me making me instantly know her answer.


"What? I haven't told you yet?" She states confused.

"No need to" I smirk walking towards the romance section.

"Pick out all the books you want" I tell her.

"'re buying me books?"

"Well yeah obviously"

She looks shocked.

"But-that gonna be really expensive"

"Don't care"

She looks at me with an unknown stare as her eyes soon shift to my lips for a split second before looking back up and slowly turning around and begins to look for books.

Jesus Christ.

I scan the shelves of different genres and pick out a few books that look interesting as well as the ones I've been wanting for a while.

Once I'm done I take a look at all the books I chose.

The Inheritance games series
The shadows between us
Daughter of the pirate king
The sweetest obliviation

'I can't wait to read them all' I think to myself.

"I'm done" I hear Kai speak softly.

I turn around and my face drops in annoyance.

"Surely you found more than 1 book"

She looks down at it, "I don't want you to spend too much money on you've already bought 4 for yourself"

"Kai, go get all the books you want" I demand.

She keeps denying for a minute or two before I finally convinced her.

15 minutes later and she's holding the books she wants.

The cruel prince series
Dance of thieves and Vow of thieves
A good girls guide to murder

"You sure that's all you want?"

She nods as we head up to the counter.

" that'll be $217" the cashier says after scanning them all.

Kai's eyes widen.

"Relax, it's fine" I mumble handing the cashier my card.

We exit the book shop and Kai looks at me.


"Thank you" is all she say before walking off to the direction we came from.

On our walk back home we pass by a cute little jewellery shop.

"Hey let's go in here" I say making her stop in her tracks and turn around to face the shop.

She nods as we both head inside.

I watch her as she eyes a beautiful ring.

I watch her as she eyes a beautiful ring

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