So your nicks girlfriend that i hear so much about

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Y/N walks though the party looking for very special person but gets distracted when she hears I nagging voice. "YO Y/N when did you get back" y/n's cousin Eddie yells when he see's y/n walking though the crowd, "oh hi  you says with a forced smile I got back this morning me and Alannah had to catch a early fight to get back in time for tonight what about you what have you been up to". "oh the same thing you know being a billionaire and stuff"Eddie replied. "am sure you have"you say then takes a sip of your Champagne before you see astrid and Michael then call them over "ASTRID hey how have you been"you and astrid hug and then you turn and hug Michael, "good how has the Art museum in Paris coming along"Michael ups away from the hug, "good hey have you seen nick be any chance"you asks "yea he and he's girlfriend went to go meet your mother"you make an 😯 face "speak of the devil"Eddie says as he jesters for everyone to look at the couple walking in

"So your nicks girlfriend"you say giving Rachel a handShake "hi am y/n nicks Big sister" "only by two years" nick cuts in but you and Rachel just laugh, "so Rachel what do you do for a living"you ask "oh I'm an Econ professor"Rachel replies "oh smart your a keeper"you smile and nick looks at her and Rachel happy that his sister like Rachel

"you know my daughter Alannah wanted to meet you very much"you say taking a sip of your almost done glass of Champagne, "oh you have a daughter I didn't know is she with her father" Rachel says surprisingly. "well no she's at home sleeping the sitter is watch her and her father passed away a few years ago" you replied "oh am so sorry I didn't know"Rachel try's to redeem herself "my father passed away to but before I was born" Rachel say trying to Comfort you, "no it's ok you didn't know it's fine"you replied trying stop Rachel from feeling guilty because you know she didn't do it on purpose,but hey it was nice to meet you am going to go say hi to my mother let catch up later y/n starts to walk away looking for her mother

Rachel watches her walk away "well I messed that up huh"she look at nick "no no that went way better then I thought" he says while grabbing two cups of champagne but Rachel looks at him like he's dumb when he says that "what do you mean that went well I brought up your sisters husband that's not alive anymore I feel so bad Ah" Rachel tells him "it's ok she gets that question a lot" Rachel looks back at him "really ?"she ask " yes look she normally isn't that happy to talk to my girlfriends so you have nothing to worry about ok" "ok" Rachel feels like a weight has been lifted off of her shoulders hopefully you keep her in your good graces

Sorry for the short chapter I was busy today😞

CRAZY RICH Y/N||||🧧💵💰Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora