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He's name is nick young

Everyone looks at Rachel shocked.the nick your Fatimid nick young Peik Lin says while looking at Rachel."YOU'RE INVITED TO CHOLIN KHOO'S WEDDING AH"Mrs goh yells putting two and two together "yeah you guys know them or something" "Hells yeah the khoo's the young's I mean who doesn't know who they are theee just the biggest developers in all of Singapore and

malaysia,Thailand ,Brunei,New Mexico". "she gets it"peik Lin stops her father from going any further then continues to talk "Colin and aramintas wedding is Singapore's event of the century and the young family is like royalty did you not know does she not know". "why you never say before tell tell what are they like" mrs ask. "I don't know what they're I haven't met them yet I'm gonna meet them tonight I'm going to nicks grandmas house"everyone looks at her in awe except peik Lin, "Your going to nicks grandmas house wearing this wearing that" everyone starts to laugh and Rachel looks around with confusion "yea I thought red was a lucky color right ?" "Yeah if your an envelope ZING nailed it hahahah" that goh family continues to laugh

"Rachel these people aren't just rich okay ? There crazy rich look" peik Lin picks up a bag with a map on it, "there's new money all over Asia we got the Beijing billionaires,the taiwan tycooo.but the young family they're old money rich they had money when they left china in the 1800s and they went all the way down here not there here they came to Singapore. when it was nothing but jungle pig farmers and there was a snake eating an apple you know what I mean and they came here and built all of this,now there the landlords of the most expensive city in the world here you go"peik Lin hands Rachel the bag "these people are so posh and snobby they're snoshy here you go" she hands Rachel a pair of shoes. "yeah but nicks not like that" Rachel replies "even if he isn't I guarantee you the family is which is why you need to not look like Sebastian for the little mermaid you know the little crab guy"


"Hello astrid you there" y/n talks Into her phone(yes im here) "ok good I was wondering if i should bring Alannah to Ah ma's party are you bringing cassian with you and Michael"y/n says while putting on her heels(well no because you know one there...

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"Hello astrid you there" y/n talks Into her phone(yes im here) "ok good I was wondering if i should bring Alannah to Ah ma's party are you bringing cassian with you and Michael"y/n says while putting on her heels(well no because you know one there's going to be a lot of Adults there so im certain there are going to be drunk people there and I don't want cassian to be exposed to that) "your right I think I should just leave her here but I did want Ah ma and Rachel to see her alannah is very excited to meet Rachel you know" y/n laughs thinking of the time when she had first told alannah about Rachel alannah jumped around the house for about 10 minutes before y/n forced her to go to bed(but I will see you at ah ma's house I got too go bye) "bye" y/n hangs up

Y/n marchs up the stairs and heads to her daughter's bedroom then she finally reaches and opens the door. y/n calls out to her 9 year old daughter but she got no response and when she looks over two her daughters bed she finds her sleep tunkend away in her princess tiana blanket on her big bed y/n walk up to the bed and kisses alannah on the forehead, "goodnight anna I will see you in the morning" y/n backs away from alannah slowly trying not to wake her and succeeds

Y/n heads to her car now on her way to meet her family while driving she thinks about how all her family has been sense she and alannah have been traveling a lot because of y/n's work so she's has not seen any of them in a while and truth be told she doesn't like a lot of them in the first place like her distasteful cousin Alastair and her very rude cousin Eddie and the worse of them all her cousins Bernard but to Weigh out the bad are her other family like Oliver and astrid and her mother and of course her brother which is why she dragged herself to her grandmothers house because out of all of her family she is most excited to see her little brother and meet he's girlfriend because by the way astrid described
Her she sounds wonderful

Here are some facts about Y/N

She has one daughter(y'all knew that😭)

Alannah means :darling baby
Which was a chosen by her father

Y/N is a widow her husband August Lee died in a plane crash 5 years ago y/n had a hard time coping but her ah ma was there for her

Y/N's husband also came from a rich family and is also into art like y/n

Y/n and August met at art museums where they were both bidding on the same art piece and were neck and neck but in the and August got it and a date with y/n

CRAZY RICH Y/N||||🧧💵💰Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora