My crazy rich family

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                      So your family is, like rich ?

"We're comfortable"nick says looking though the airport magazine for the first class passengers. "that is exactly what a sure rich person would say,its not a big deal obviously I just think it's kind of weird that I had no idea" Rachel says moving sideways to face nick. "I mean you have a Jamba Juice card,you use my Netflix password and you play basketball at that Y that kind of smells". "I really like that place thank you very much and yes my family has money but I've always thought of it as theirs not mine". "I get that but I'm going all the way there to meet them kind of just wanna know what I'm getting into and you know they're your family". "Well my family much like anybody else's". Rachel Reachs for her Champagneas she listens and wait for nick to continue. "there's half of them you love and respect" nick pauses for a second "and then there the half." "Which half am I meeting ?"


Well there my cousin Alistair based in Taiwan works in movies(Alistair watch's kitty play her role)AND "CUT" the Director of the movie shouts.he's dating kitty pong an actress.kitty,Alistair says wow picking up Kitty and swing her in his arms. "she no good can't we get someone else" the co Director says to the main Director, "he's financing the whole movie you tell him his girlfriend sucks" the main director says back then the two directors look back at the couple who are making out right in the open

"Okey and what about your cousin Eddie you don't ever talk about him" Rachel suggestions. "well Eddie's a big finance guy in Hong Kong.A real family man"

                                HONG KONG

"you know if you move it will look more natural" the photographer takes the photo not sure if he should or not, "No this way you get our optimal angles"Eddie says fixing his pose, "Then we're done" the photographer sighs. "Russell thank you so much it is an honor to be photographed by you" "my pleasure people will love it in the next Hong Kong vogue" the photographer smiles then walks away. "Thank you Russell" Eddie's wife Fiona says to the photographer then walks to Eddie "hong Kong vogue I Knew it your dress is a disarter if you wore the Chanel gown like I told you to we'd be in the American vogue"Eddie's yells, "you can wear that gown to hell Eddie's Fiona says back"

"Then there's astrid" nick continue's. "Ah I remember astrid she like who I want to be when I grow up" Rachel thinks about the time she meet astrid. "astrid is awesome and she probably the only one I'm actually close with and she's really grounded and down to earth once you get know her"


"Not only did she graduate top of her class at Oxford start multiple charities and is a fashion icon astrid has the boy heart of any of my cousins".Astrid see's a little girl trying to show her mom her new bow for her bunny but was shooed away.astrid going up to the little girl, "hi I'm astrid what's your name". "vite"the little girl answers "oh and who's this ?" "Bun bun" the little girl smiles, "well I think bun bun looks very dashing with his bow you have a good eye". "thank you" the girl responded with happiness in her voice happiness in her voice. "miss Leong right this way"a man calls out to astrid trying to get her attention, "it's very nice to meet you both"astrid says as she gets up and walks in the room wear the millions of dollars worth of jewelry sits

"Oh and theres my sister y/n"nick says as he almost forgot, "You have a sister" "yes she is a very artistic person she owns about 50 art museums all around world and in general a really chill person"


"9.5 million".everyone in the room look at the women in shock as they all won't bid any higher then her,y/n holds up a bored with her number on it and repeats her offer 9.5 million, "going once going twice SOLD to miss y/n young".y/n smiles while everyone claps In awe that she would spend that much on a painting because by the way she is dressed you would never think it she is wear a simple dress shirt with a pair of black suit pants and some pink Jimmy Cho's y/n gets up and starts to walk out knowing she has a flight to catch back to Singapore for her ah ma's party that is being held tomorrow and she can't wait to meet her little brothers girlfriend that she's been hearing so much about

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