C12: Just A Girlfriend

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We walk out into the host club room and I look at Haruhi who is crossing her fingers and I give her giant thumbs up. She screams silently and mouths "oh my god!" she pulls out the board and puts two lines. She mouths "it's for the date" and I smile. I walk out the host club and walk towards my house with a huge smile.

I walk in and my mother looks at me with a huge smile on her face. "Did he say yes?" she asks and I jump high. "Yes, Hikaru said yes to the date." I say with blush on my cheeks. She pulls me into a tight hug. "Oh my baby is growing up." she says and I smile.

School is over, the host club is over and I'm sitting on a couch next to Haruhi. "Hey I'll meet you at your house in two hours." Hikaru whispers and walks out the door. Haruhi looks at me blushing like a mess. "Better get ready then!" she says and I stand up and run to the door. I run to my house, opening the door, running to my bedroom.

I put on a dark blue dress with white straps that perfectly shows off my body. I put on white high heels and brush my long blonde hair. I run down and sit down playing games on my phone. The doorbell rings and I jump up walking to it. I clear my throat and opens it up showing a handsome Hikaru wearing a suit standing there with his hands in his pockets. We stare at each-other in awe for a good while. "You look handsome." I say still looking at him and his cheeks get extremely red. "So you must be Hikaru." my mother says behind me and my eyes widen. I walk out next to Hikaru and stare at my mother. "You guys are the cutest." she says and we both blush. I grab his hand and walk us towards the limo. "Remember to use protection!" she says. "Oh kay, that's our queue to leave." I say pushing us into the limo with red faces.

"You've told your mother about me?" he says teasingly and I roll my eyes. "Maybe." I say looking out the window. We stop and he helps me out the limo. He walks me into this fancy restaurant and I look around in shock. "Woah." I say in amazement. A man with a suit walks up to us and bows, "Hitachiin?" he asks and Hikaru nods. "This way." he says and Hikaru grabs my hand following behind the waiter. We walk into an open room with a glass ceiling where you can see the sky, a table with two glasses on both sides and pink roses around the table. He sits me down and sits across from me. "I hope it's not too much." he says looking away towards the water fountain with pretty lights in it. "No, it's beautiful." I say looking around at the beautiful scenery. The same waiter comes out with fancy water and pours it into each of the glasses and places a basket of breadsticks in the center of the table. He walks off and I sip the water.

"I didn't know you were so romantic, Hikaru." I say looking at him eating a breadstick. He blushes and looks into my blue eyes. "I've got something else after this." he says and smiles. I blush and smile. Romantic guitar and piano music starts playing. I look over to see a white piano covered in pink roses and a white guitar playing next to the piano. A girl and boy starts to sing, harmonizing and singing romantic songs with each-other. "Woah." I say watching the performance. He looks at me and smiles. His hand sticks into my face. "Wanna dance?" he asks and I look up at him. "But I don't know how to." I say and he grabs my hand and pulls me up. "That's okay." he says and holds my hand and waist and I hold his shoulder playing along with his feet patterns. He places his forehead onto mine and we smile dancing along with the music.

The song stops and we walk over sitting back into our chairs. We eat the creamy pasta and breadsticks. We stand up and he grabs my hand and runs me outside towards a hill. "Where are we going?" I ask but he ignores me. We suddenly stop and  look at the gorgeous sunset. "Woah." I say looking at all the purplish-orange colors colliding in the sky. "It's gorgeous, isn't it?" he asks looking at the sky. "Yeah, it's beautiful." I say and hold Hikaru's hand. He clears his throat and forces me to see him face-to-face. "Misaki?" he asks and I look into his loving eyes. "Yes?" I ask. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks with a slight blush. My eyes widen and red paints my cheeks. "Hikaru." I say and he looks at me with worriedness. "Yes?" he asks. "Of course I will be your girlfriend." I say and he blushes. He holds my cheeks and we kiss each-other in front of the sunset, wind blowing against our hair, our clothes and our skin. We remove ourselves from each-other's lips and I rest my head against his warm chest and he holds my body and head gently with a big breeze whooshing against our close warm bodies.

A/N- Hi hoped you liked it, sorry it wasn't on the original Ouran storyline. I wanted to make a story with the characters of Ouran so I apologize if you wanted it to follow the "correct" storyline. I hope it ended how you wanted it, it definitely ended how I wanted it to end, I love ending things in romantic scenes! I think of it this way, ending the story with a romantic scene leaves the readers to imagine what life would be like after the story. What I imagine happened after is that they stayed together through high school together, Misaki gets a scholarship to a different college/university than Hikaru so they have to fight through the struggles of going to a different school than each-other. I imagine them living in an apartment decorated very nicely and one that smells REALLY good. After graduation they move into a nice looking big house which is kept in really nice shape. I imagine Misaki working as something really smart idk like a doctor? Something like that idk! I think they would get married a year after graduation and all the other hosts would be there. I can imagine about three little mischievous smart sassy blonde and auburn haired children running around the house pulling pranks on each-other and Misaki and Hikaru. Two would be twins, one girl who is super mischievous and a boy who is extremely smart. The other kid I imagine would follow grandma and be obsessed with fashion designing! So cute! Have a good day everyone! Love ya bunches!


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