Kartik groaned.

"We also have photo frames, cups, clocks, clutches..."

The employee showed them every gift possible but Yashraj didn't like any of them.

In fact, Kartik bought about two of them to gift his girlfriends.

Yashraj dragged him through every store in Viviaana mall, which was saying a lot because that mall was huge.

And yet he didn't like any of the gifts.

One particular photo frame did highlight.

It had silhouettes of a guy kissing a girl.

Now Yashraj thought the photo frame of gaudy but this image was stuck in his mind.

"We have visited every gift shop this mall has. We have told every employee your tragic love story. I have flirted with several girls today. As productive as this day has been, why not just go home?" Kartik whined.

"Because we still haven't got a gift!" Yashraj replied.

"Just get flowers or something!" Kartik exclaimed.

Yashraj shook his head.

An idea was stimulating in his mind but he wasn't sure if he should act upon it. It could change everything in his life and frankly, he liked his life at the moment.

Though it had an irritating Arjun, an ex who thought he was gay and pressure to design something new, Yashraj liked it.

And he couldn't help but think it was because he had Mahaya to his side.

The guilt that he was feeling had grown stronger over the couple of days, making it hard to converse with her but today, Yashraj decided to keep it aside. He would enjoy today and make Mahaya happy.

But for that to happen, he needed a gift.


Birthdays in the Roy Mansion were strictly low-key. Yes, if it was the CEO's birthday, there was a party. But even that party was a day after or before.

Nisha Roy had made it a rule that every birthday has to be celebrated with family and close friends.

So everyone had been busy preparing for the feast.

Nisha and her mother-in-law had barked out orders to everyone.

Every member in the house had to prepare something.

Even Kartik, though his mother first took a bite of it so that no one could get food poisoning, unlike last year.

Dev had made the salad with Tanya's help while Yashraj and Kartik had helped by chopping the vegetables for the Biryani.

Nisha and her sister-in-law took care of the rotis and naans.

The servants were given off today.

God knew that the servants wished every month to be someone's birthday.

"Alright people! Chop chop! She'll be arriving in an hour!" Mahaya's Uncle, Ravindra said as he placed the dishes on the table.

"Ravindra! You haven't finished your sabji yet!" Mahaya's grandfather shouted from the kitchen.

"It is cooking! Five more minutes!" He replied.

Nisha inspected the dining table which was decorated with the most ravishing, mouth-watering dishes.

Everyone had been shooed to their respective floors to get ready for dinner.

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