She's had this coming. She's been hating on me since I got here and I haven't really done anything but be pretty and respond to the weird shit she says to me.

Our teacher stood up, "Onika!"

"Sorry, I know, I know. I'm going."

I packed all my shit back in my my backpack and left the classroom. It was worth it, I've been wanting to do that for too long. My mom is just going to have to get over it.

I walked to the office and sat in one of the chairs by the secretary. I'm sure my teacher already sent her an email.

A very familiar laugh made me look around until I found where it was coming from. Bey was here.

Why was she here?

Bey walked in and paused when she saw me. "Hey Onika, what are you doing here?"

"Don't talk to her. She's in trouble." This secretary bitch. She didn't even tell me I was in trouble, how is she going to tell Bey I'm in trouble?

"What did she do?"

"Acting like a hooligan in class. Sign out right here." She handed Bey a pen and she signed something. "How do you know her?"

"I'm her girlfriend." I had to answer because I know Bey would've called me her friend.

Bey looked back at me and smiled. "Yeah, she's my girlfriend. Anyway, I should get back to my baby cow I was telling you to you about. Bye Mrs.Johnson. I'll see you later Onika."

So she's just going to leave me here?

"I have to go to the bathroom." I stood up after Bey left, I was getting out of here.

"You know if you leave, we'll have no choice but to call your mom and there's still the possibility of in school suspension."

"Okay." I left anyway.

I'm a senior, I don't care about any of this shit. I'm technically an adult too so they don't even need to be calling my mom over something this small.

Bey was standing in front of the entrance of the school talking to this girl I know named Jae.

I walked over to them and turned to Jae, "You know her?"

"No, not really. Why?"

I took Beys hand and started swinging it with mine, I was smiling just because. "She's my girlfriend. The back of my hoodie says her last name and everything."

Bey looked at me like she just noticed I was wearing it. She didn't really look surprised, she looked pleased.

"Oh, well it wasn't anything like that. She complimented my shoes and asked me where I got them from because she wanted to get some for her girlfriend."

"Oh okay, good. We have to go but I'll see you, you should definitely come to my party."

I've made up my mind that Im having a party.

"For sure, just let me know."

"K, bye." I turned around and started pulling Bey to the door.

"You're leaving school?"

"If I stay here all I'm going to do is get in trouble and get sent home or back to class. Fuck this bitch ass school anyway, I'm graduating in a couple months."

"You curse so much."

"You're starting to too, I don't like it."

Tell me why I called her a bitch last night and she said fuck me?? She thinks she's grown now and I don't like it.

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