26: Fighting Over A Cookbook

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{ AHT }

"Ehehehe. Hey hey!"

The first thing I see in front of the chalet is Olga, the bombastic daughter of the man who forged our documents for twenty years straight. She took over his job afterwards. Steady for a 65-year-old. Flashy earrings, baggy pants, and a graphic tee with Mr Sheffield's face from The Nanny plastered on it and saying Boo-yah!

I don't know why she is obsessed with the guy. I like Niles better.

Ki and I have come here after breakfast, wearing light. She's in a crop top and capri pants with a sunhat on top of her head. Me in a loose, open shirt—showing off my shoulder-to-chest tattoo—and a pair of shorts. My hair in a fishtail braid. Made a mistake yesterday by wearing so many clothes.

"That's all you can say? Hey?" I deadpan.

"What do you want me to say?" Olga places her hands on her hips.


"Hah! What for?"

Ki scratches her nape. "For not informing us?"

"Bah! You constantly change numbers. I don't bother to memorise anymore."

I rub my face roughly. "Damn it, Olga."

"You found us eh?" Olga cackles with no remorse.

"Whatever. Can we get in?"

"Halt! What's the password?"

Is she for real? Ki's eyes widen and she says, "You're joking."

"Nuh uh."

"Why did they send their old grandma to guard the chalet?" I grumble.

"Watch it! I'm still strong like an ox!" The elder flexes her arm proudly, patting her a non-existent muscle. Her arm flab jiggles. Haih...

"You've known us. Known for fifty years!"

"Yes and I don't know why you both barely aged since the moment my father first helped you," she says with a harrumph. "You two could be vampires for all I know. Or impostors using these poor couple's skins when they were dead decades ago! I've had enough of wondering."


We stare at her. She looks as if she nailed a point.

"You're done?" Ki cocks an eyebrow.

"I can go all day."

A chuckle escapes from me. "Never struck you as paranoid."

"I wouldn't be if you tell me what you two are?"

This is the first time she's threatening us. People can't help being curious, I guess. Ki walks back and rests against a stone wall near a bridge, sighing and fanning herself with her top since the weather is getting hot.

...Mmph. I'd rather stay in bed with her and have my way—

"Stop gawking at your wife and tell me what are you?" Olga scolds.

I clear my throat while my sweet Ki giggles. "Do you remember, baby? The last password was fifteen years ago, I think?"

"I see now. Rather dig back an old password? You two found the Fountain of Youth and didn't want to share it. Eh? Eh?"

We just laugh at her wild theories. Oh Olga...

"Hm. Something about Todd," Ki recalls.

Wait! "Right! Piece of—!"

Olga yaps, "Stop beating around the bush and get on with it."

"Todd kusok dher'ma?"

"I let you two pass. For now. Next time, I want answers!" She flashes a toothy smile and motions us to come in.

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