25: Wannabe Player

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{ KI }

"Babe, where are you?"

"In front of the airport gate. I thought you'd be here, Ki."

"Bought some snacks, just beside the place!"

Aht snorts. "I'll wait here like a good boy then."

I giggle at his sweetness and end our call. Right, let's double-check here... Chocolate bars, bags of chips, and strawberry Pockys—his favorite. I approach the waiting area and see he's watching everyone tersely. In return, people avoid him with caution. His hair flowing over his shoulders and he wears all black clothes. A contrast to mine, where my hair is done in twin French braids and I'm dressed up in white.

When he looks like this... This handsome, abrasive— Mmm we're too hurry for sex for now.

"You look like a thug if you keep frowning, my dear."

"Judging how heated you look, no complaints from me," he says with a deep whisper.

We kiss... almost R-rated but stop ourselves before we get arrested. While we're waiting and snacking, we debate about the right color for our house. Later, he grabs my hand and our bags to board our plane.

Last month's case was the last mission before the break, a rest for a decade like before. Have to push aside our guilt for not solving more about trafficking, scams, entrapments, and many of them. Every time we solve crimes, another one pops up. An endless cycle. We don't want to be burned out and resent for being helpful. Authorities have to get their shit together and not rely on us for everything.

So, Honolulu for a vacation and renewing our documents is a huge relief. The Shcherbakov family has been there for a while to expand their business.

Can't help but feel freaking ecstatic!


{ AHT }

"We're lost."

"Eh?" Ki's soft voice twists with agitation.

I sigh. "I think they checked out and moved to another hotel. Changed their numbers too. Perhaps they were almost busted and forgot to update us."

"Damn it... How about we check in first? We'll find them. They can't be too far."

"This island's big."

"Mind you, a lot of family members tag along and they are cheapskates to spend multiple rides."

"Got a point," I snigger. "Come on, we become explorers today."

After a check-in, we walk around and ask the locals about a loud Russian family. Many have seen them but don't know where they are. With sweat on our backs, we've decided to take a rest.

I think we look desperate enough because a young lady comes up to us when we sit down for lunch in a restaurant. I can see she's a Native Hawaiian by appearance and how at ease she is.

"Aloha," I greet first.

The lady instantly guards up due to my abruptness. My lovely Ki smiles at her and she relaxes. Haih... "Aloha." The lady perks up. "Word spread that you are looking for a Russian family?"

"Shcherbakov. Sorry about our ruckus..."

"No no! I just want to help you two."

"You know where they are?"

"I don't, but I know another family who knows everyone in the area. They've been here for three months and the wife is friendly. Mayor-level friendly."

"The husband isn't?" Ki inquires.

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