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The building in front of me stood tall making me even shorter, not that I was short—okay maybe a little—5'7 isn't short per se, alright not 5'7 but 5'6 anyways the point is the Dark clouds of Manhattan surrounded the large building which had a large oval ring on top, inside it read Styles with a glaring neon green colour.

I don't know what I was doing here if I'm honest. I'm a literature student for gods sake I wasn't made for interviewing people, I belonged to cold libraries with thousands of book surrounding me making me feel home, with a mug of coffee to keep me running. A waft of muddy scent made my nose tingle shaking me out of my reverie, I glared at the alpha man who apparently didn't know why neutralisers were made for.

I wanted to kick his ass but that would mean I'd get kicked out of this huge building before even entering. So I stick on glaring him before my feet started to move, I showed my university card to the watchman who immediately stood aside for me to get inside, the glass doors opened and I held back my gasp of surprise,

What had I expect? Of course if the outside had made me trip a bit I was utterly mesmerised from the inside, my eyes had never seen this amount of technology before, the area was vast with modern architecture, everyone was in suits making me stand as a sore thumb. I eyed the people who were busy walking with files in their hands mumbling about meetings and what not.

There was no discrimination here, the omegas and betas were treated as equally as the alphas which was hard to find because even though times have developed and there's no more "gender discrimination" according to history books there were still places which treated omegas like good for nothing baby machines and alphas as the superior ones who owned the baby machines, betas were ignored because they had no role whatsoever.

I  think I'd rather preferred to be ignored than treated as someone who's only good for being a baby maker.

"Zayn Malik from the SJ company?" A voice calls and I turn to find an omega behind me, she was tall enough to outsmart my height making me whine internally because if I hate something it is tall people. But her smile made up for it, "He actually—"

"Mr.Styles is ready to attend you." A sigh leaves my mouth Because yup apparently I'm Zayn Malik for today; cause the actual one had his early heat so he wasn't able to come over.

"Good. You're on time. Mr.Styles hated tardiness he's quite punctual, anyways Follow me." I nod and follow her, my eyes dropping to her heels and a wince leaves me because I pity those who wear these shoes with everything in me. Once my mum made me wear them to her tea party and I had fell on my butt because of the wobble it gave me. Since that day I swore I'll never wear one.

They both silently got in the elevator, my body turned to see the view and a yelp almost left me because I still can't believe I'm in world's second most tall building. First being the Burj Khalifa obviously.

From my right I could see the offices, from the left though, the entire New York was in front of me, the skyscrapers one by one meeting my eyes.

"This way, Miss. Here you go." She says ushering to the large brown door, I smiled even though my stomach was in twists before opening the door.

All my confidence shrewd to shreds when my ankle twisted and I fell face front of the floor. The humiliation of my fall thrumming in my blood that was rushing to my face,

Clean leather shoes came in my view and my eyes travelled up to see a man as beautiful as Lucifer peering down at me, he stretched his hand for me to grab on which I did, "Harry Styles." His voice was on the deep side, the timbre low and raspy. His hand was firmly gripping mine in a handshake, his green eyes searching mines,

Shades of Styles Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora