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"Keisuke, he's going to touch Chifuyu!"

"I know that since Chifuyu was the one he picked up for the loyalty test. I told Chifuyu about that and he says he will be careful." He said.

I rolled my eyes and placed my chin on top of the railings. We're wasting our time here in the rooftop. Tomorrow will be the fight between Toman and Valhalla, I'm not ready for it. Because all I ever think about is Chifuyu's safety. He can fight but he's so stubborn!

"Whatever might happen tomorrow..." I paused, swallowing down the lump in my throat. "You will be behind me, right?"

Behind. So, I won't do it. I won't do it. Keisuke doesn't know I have a knife inside one of my pockets. I will not remember what Hanma said because he's just using me to defeat Mikey. If something bad happens to us, I don't know what would Mikey do.

I slept late that night. I keep staring at the white ceiling, white walls, an small empty apartment. It feels lonely. I've never seen mother since I got out of juvenile. I work now as a part timer at a bar, serving those filthy people with drinks amd cigarettes. It wasn't bad because the pay is worth it. The owner must be millionaires.

I keep distracting myself so I won't give into Hanma's words. Instead, my mind went to Shinichiro. Where is he? Mikey and the others never mentioned him. Keisuke is not saying anything about him too. I wonder if he's doing fine.

Even if I did something terrible, I want to know if he's fine. People see me as a terrible person. Maybe because I did that? Only Keisuke see the best in me. He continued being beside me even if I did something that will surely ruin our relationship. Shinichiro is like his older brother too. I expected them to be mad at me but they didn't. Instead, they show me how kind they were. Maybe acceptance is the key.

And for the first time, I want to be forgiven.

I woke up around five in the morning. Damn, I only slept for three hours. This won't affect me later, right? I sighed and combed my hair using my fingers. I kicked the blanket aside and stood up. I walked over to the window and peeked outside.

The sun is rising.

My eyes welcome the sunrise, that iris of fire so pretty in its mascara of pure light. The sunrise means so many things as it drifts in, igniting the colours of my room. This light is the greatest artist in history, creating beauty on the canvas beyond this window pane. It shines a path to my friends, and, as my mind wanders to them, I feel my eyes smile and a rising coziness in my core. Along the way, these new rays will reveal silken webs and grass wands of many hues, the rich browns of oak arms, the silver-cream of our moon above. Even before I move, I have dreamed each waving leaf, telling its own story to the wind with each dancing flutter.

Beginnings can be beautiful but are often disguise as painful endings.

I used to nourish beginnings, but as I grow up I realized not all are blessed. Beginnings is like a seed. It's like growing a plant, and if you don't take care of it, it will wither away. That is like beginnings, the once beautiful beginning can end up painfully.

I took a bath and wore the newest black t-shirt I have and a black pants. I also wore a pair of boots and finally the Valhalla jacket. I looked at the knife placed on the sink of my bathroom. My trembling hands grab it and slowly put it inside my pocket.

Keisuke greeted me as soon as he saw me walking out of the apartment building. I gave him a small smile before hopping behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and placed my chin on his shoulder.

"Good luck." I muttered under my breath.

"Yeah, I'll be fighting behind your back." he chuckled sexily.

I keep pushing those thoughts away but I ended up doing it.

"Tora..." Keisuke gritted his teeth as the blade of the knife sinks in his side.

"I'm sorry, Kei." my lips were trembling. I couldn't believe what I just did. Did I believed Hanma over them? Everything changes around me and I noticed I was not the one didn't change.

"Chifuyu..." His eyes gazes behind me. Shit.

"Baji-san!" His voice rings inside my head like a bell, calling for Keisuke. "Baji-san!" he repeated again. Damn, he won't even notice me. Shout my name too, Chifuyu! Stop me! Fucking do something because I don't know what to do!

I pulled out the knife slowly, it wasn't deep. I dropped the knife and watched as Keisuke passed me and went straight to Chifuyu.

"Why did you do that?!" He screamed behind me. I don't know. I don't know! Tears started pooling in my eyes, I was facing Hanma who's grin is slowly fading. Fuck, he noticed!

I looked around to find a helpless Toman members, I grab his collar and pulled him up. "Deliver this to Mikey or Draken or whoever it is. Tell them that Hanma knows it already." I whispered, the boy nodded with fright before I took all my strength and punched him towards Mitsuya.

Hanma is now marching towards us with an evil grin. Chifuyu continues shouting behind me but I don't want to face him right now.

We won't fall. We are believers. We stand together, this is our fight.

We won in the end. Bloods and bruises on our body. My heart is still beating so fast after the confrontations with Chifuyu. Hell, I saw how confuse and shock he was.

Aside from that, something bad happened to Keisuke and I blame myself for it. Why didn't I move fast? I could have saved him! I disappoint Chifuyu, and he's hurt, everyone is. Keisuke is a lot nicer than me. If he didn't follow me, he would be studying in his room right now. He's too good for me.

"You didn't visit Baji-san yesterday?" he asked, I can hear him flipping the pages of the manga book he is reading.

"Chifuyu, would you accept me?" I quietly asked. I was hugging my knees while my back is facing him. He's laying down on his bed while I was facing his window.

The sunrise came as if it had missed the sky and wanted nothing more than to warm up those blues to a radiant gold. I'm so fond of sunrises now.

"That's what Baji-san wanted." He answered.

Fuck, I wish it's not because of Keisuke. I wish it's not just because Keisuke wanted too. It really feels like he resents me.

I know that it will turn out like this but damn...it still hurts.


INTENSE LOVE | Kazutora Hanemiya Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora