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To: Kazutora Hanemiya

Hey, it's Keisuke.

Don't worry about me, I'm totally fine here. I hope you're fine there too. It's been two months? I'm sorry I didn't get to keep in touch because there's a lot of explaining I did. It was an unexpected accident. Shinichiro-kun survived. He got out using the back door of the shop.

I didn't expect you would do that, Tora. I never thought you'd do anything...for me. But, Tora, it's okay to be concern of yourself too. I'm fine with anything as long as you're beside me. I'm kinda angry at you for doing such a thing. But it had happened.

There's no peace in there, I know. I know you will feel suffocated there. Just think of positive things and close your eyes. Breathe in and breath out. Everything will be fine.

I know it's lonely in there, but remember that I will be waiting for you.

Wish you were here.

Baji Keisuke

To: Keisuke Baji

Hey, Keisuke.

I always wonder where will my life go. Everything seems so blurry since the beginning. I always want to escape the world. I want to have my own world. But, it's impossible. The universe is too expensive.

I've heard the words I don't want to hear from my mother. It made me break because she's right, Keisuke. I'm slowly becoming like my father. I don't want that.

The people inside the juvenile is interesting. Some made me feel awkward, some were afraid, some were kind, some shouldn't be here, some were lost and some were lonely. It feels like I belong here, crazy right?

Well, Keisuke, I will hold onto that promise. I hope you're doing well there. I will see you soon.

I miss you.

Hanemiya Kazutora

I let out a shaky sigh before giving the letter to the man in front of me. He gave me a small smile, he's nice.

When he left, I was again pulled into the dark room. Well, it's not really a dark room. The walls are painted white so as the ceiling. There's a bed in the middle, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and a beanbag. It's enough for a person.

I will stay in juvenile for two years because of my mental health. It will be a long time but I hope time just stopped when I was with Keisuke.

The next letter came after two days. And the next one after seven days. I'm looking forward to reading Keisuke's letters. It always gave me hope and strength. He's keeping me standing even if I badly want to break down.

Keisuke didn't send me a letter the next following weeks. But when I received his letter again, I was mortified.

You see, I met a guy named Chifuyu Matsuno. He's really nice! He helped me write this letter! But the vice captain of first division gets on his nerves. It was amusing to watch them argue every time.

Who the hell is Chifuyu Matsuno?!

I continue to read the letter even if the bitterness is slowly eating me.

But, hey. Chifuyu is really nice. He can be a little shit because he's always following me around. And we even split peyoung yakisoba! He's fun to be with and he likes reading mangas! He has a cat named excalibur but I told him that it's lame so we changed it to Peke J! Cool, right?!

Keisuke's description of Chifuyu Matsuno is very...beautiful. It's always positive and he often compliments Chifuyu Matsuno. It's like he's describing an angel. A good person.

Hah, I'm nothing like that.

I didn't sent a letter to Keisuke after that. But, he continued sending me letters with Chifuyu's name always written on it. It angered me.

Did he find someone better?

Is Chifuyu really like that?

Is Keisuke preparing himself to let me go?

Will he really leave me?

I sent a letter to Keisuke when I had enough. But when I received his letter, it made me relieved.

He's just a friend!

Yeah, Keisuke is capable of having friends other than me. I won't be worried about Chifuyu because Keisuke is not easy to get.

That's what I thought.

I was smiling as I finally got out of juvenile. The first thing I thought was Keisuke Baji. I want to see him now.

He told me on one of his letters that he moved to a apartment building with his mother. He gave me the exact address because he told me to go there after I got out of juvie.

Yet, I really don't like Chifuyu Matsuno. It made me feel relieved that Keisuke didn't do anything to him but it's Chifuyu. I can see that he's fucking in love with my Baji Keisuke as I watch them walk inside the apartment building. They are laughing about something and Keisuke is holding two plastic bags.

I laughed. Of course, I'm easy to be replaced because, fuck, Chifuyu is really something. I understand Keisuke but they're really having so much fun now.

I gritted my teeth and didn't hesitate to follow them. I saw Keisuke entering the elevator but Chifuyu stayed out. Chifuyu is waving his hand even if the elevator door closes. I raised a brow when I saw a frown on his face.

Well, Keisuke did the game. Playing hard to get, huh, Keisuke Baji?

I smirked as I watch Chifuyu walk down the hallway and opened a door. Oh, they're not in the same floor? That's cool.

"Tora!" Keisuke happily tackles me. I can't help but smile and hug him. "I miss you!"

"I miss you too, dummy." I chuckled.

I spend the whole day with Keisuke. He offered that I should stay for the night because he really wanted to spend more time with me. So, I ended up sleeping beside him. But the only thing I thought that night was...Chifuyu.

"Who's that?" I asked Kei when he suddenly got up early in the morning to open the door for someone.

"It was Chifuyu. He's looking for his cat." Kei explains. He looked around his room before opening his window. "There you are! Fuyu is looking for you." Kei scooped the black cat and showed it to me. "His name is Peke J." He grins.

"Nice to meet you, Peke J!" I beamed when the cat jump out of Keisuke's arm just to snuggle beside me. I continue to pet him until Chifuyu came back yelling.

"Baji-san, you bastard! I know Peke J is there!" My face crumpled. He's yelling early in the morning. Didn't he think that he might wake their neighbors?

"Don't be a little shit, Fuyu!" Keisuke easily scoop the cat again with ease before running out of his room.

I can't help but laugh. Are they always like this? Wait, I should be angry! I groaned in frustration and went back to bed.

Fuck, this isn't right.


INTENSE LOVE | Kazutora Hanemiya حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن