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I'm not used to changes. I will never get use to it.

"Huh, Kazutora?"

My body is shivering as I heard that voice. He's the least person I don't want to see right now. Mikey grabbed my collar and pulled me close to him.

"You dimwit!" Mikey tackles me. We ended up on the ground with a loud thud. "Why did you do that?!" Mikey says, his grip tightening. I can't breath but if he kills me now, I will welcome death with open arms.

"I'm s-sorry." My eyes stings. I don't want to cry in front of Mikey. "I'm sorry, Mikey." I mumble, laying down on the ground completely.

"He nearly...he nearly didn't get out of the place!" He yelled.

I couldn't say anything because I don't know what it feels. I want to say something but I don't think I have the rights. I did something unforgivable, I did something that nearly made Mikey and the others grieve.

"Everything's alright now, Kazutora." Draken assured me.

I don't deserve them.

"You're still a part of Toman, Kazutora. So, don't you dare think of something that will make you feel down. Because look, in the end, you're still coming back to us." Draken smiled, a comforting smile that made my worries away.

"Welcome home, Kazutora." Mitsuya pushed a white jacket on my chest. I looked at him confused.

"Ah..." My gaze went to Mikey when he finally get off of me.  "Your welcome back mission with Baji." Mikey grinned, getting the white jacket Mitsuya gave me.

He unfolded it carelessly. Then a evil smile formed on his lips. "Valhalla."


"Tora, that's Chifuyu." Keisuke pointed a small blondie walking out of the school. I flicked my tongue when I saw Chifuyu's hair swaying as he welcomes the autumn breeze.

As chattering autumn leaves of gold and scarlet buoyant mood, comes a calm way to our direction. I might have also smelled Chifuyu's scent. I don't know what he smells like but I just know it's Chifuyu.

"Oh, and that's?" I raised an eyebrow when another guy joined Chifuyu. He casually draped an arm around Chifuyu's shoulder before he teasingly put his face close to Chifuyu's.

"That's...no one." Keisuke cleared his throat. "Anyways, I'm going to have a sleepover with him tonight." He sighs.

"Will you be able to tell him?" I asked quietly. I just know that Chifuyu is sensitive.

"Yeah, Chifuyu will understand." He says but I can feel that Chifuyu will try to stop him.

I was right. I keep groaning because it's been an hour since they started arguing! I was standing outside of Chifuyu's balcony because I wanna see where this goes. As I expected, Chifuyu is quite a whiny little one. I badly want to interrupt them but Chifuyu will freak out.

I tried to peek inside Chifuyu's room. I let out a sigh when Chifuyu...damn, Chifuyu, my vision for him is changing. He's becoming more...

"I'm going to leave Toman and join Valhalla. To be with Kazutora." I heard Keisuke said.

I covered my mouth to stop the loud gasp that will escape my mouth. Why the fuck would he say that?! Even though, my heart is racing and my cheeks is all red, I listened to Chifuyu's response.

"Oh, right." Chifuyu's voice broke. "I'm sorry for holding you back...when K-Kazutora is there." Did he just hesitate to say my name?! Well, we aren't close but still! I know Keisuke told him stories about me! Unless, he tell bad stories about me!

"I will stay beside Kazutora." Keisuke breath out.

Ah, you're fulfilling your promises.
You're still mine after all, Keisuke. But...I might have attracted to someone.

"Baji Keisuke and Hanemiya Kazutora, huh?" I just want to wipe off Hanma's grin off of his face because it's fucking irritating me!

"Yeah, that's our name." I faked a grin.

Hanma laughed like a maniac. "Well, this will be fun!" He grinned, showing us his left hand.

After we left the Valhalla's hideout, we went straight to Keisuke's apartment. Mikey and the others is there. We decided to meet here because we thought some Valhalla members might have followed us or something and everything will be ruined. I don't want to disappoint them. I want to finish this mission.

"Chifuyu?" I didn't mean to say it out loud. I just saw Chifuyu walking down the hallway and towards Keisuke's apartment. "He's so small." I muttered under my breath.

"What did you just said?" Keisuke's breath hits my nape. I gulped nervously because I've never seen Keisuke acting like this. He's almost feral.

"I didn't say anything." I said, watching as Chifuyu open Keisuke's apartment door. Someone pulled him in a little bit too harsh which made me gasp a bit. Keisuke made me face him slowly.

"You know, every time we see Chifuyu. You're always stopping just to stare at him. Is there any problem? Is his presence making you uncomfortable?"

"N-No. It's just...he's different." I looked away from him when I can feel his weighing stare.

He continued to stare at for a solid ten minutes before he started laughing. "We sure share the same taste. But..." He showed me his pointy canines, his stare were slowly getting dark.

"I found him first."

My lips were in a tight grim as he said that. Did he...How did he know when I don't even know what I'm feeling?! Sure, I'm just ignoring because that's Chifuyu Matsuno. The guy who hates me more than everything! That's Chifuyu Matsuno, the angel!

"Tora, did you forget that I memorized you since that day? I can tell by just giving you a single glance that you must have got an interest in Chifuyu." He leaned his face closer to mine and peck my lips.  "Let's play a game, shall we?" He smirked.

I licked my lower lip and gave him a disturbing smirk. "Love is a game that I will surely win." I placed my palm on his chest and pushed him away.

"Chifuyu only wants me." The bastard is boastful huh? "Try getting on my level, babe." He added, removing his Valhalla jacket.

"Oh, I plan to, babe. Just wait until I make Chifuyu turn his eyes on me and will never look away from me again." I'm brave to say that because I'm still figuring my feelings out. But  competing with Baji Keisuke? I'd like a challenge. Especially if it involves our love interests.

"Good luck!" Keisuke cackles as he dragged me inside his apartment. "I won't make it easy for you."


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