Author's Note

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Thank you for your support.

*You are not allowed to copy any of my work!

*Kindly note that all work is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. Not everything will make sense but hey, it's a book, am I right?😄

*You are allowed to make covers and send them to me, I will appreciate it.

*Please like, comment and VOTE!!

That being said, the book will start in January 2023, maybe earlier😉😄 Sorry if I got your hopes up early on. I just really want to get started and get Ungloved semi- out there!

The reason for the long wait is that I am already in the writing process, and a lot of chapters are already done, however, I change quite a few things along the way and that would only confuse you, as a reader.

But that is also a promising point because when I finally start posting chapters, you know that the book is ready and complete😁

If you are as excited as I am--- share in the comments!


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