poem 2, the illusion of death

13 2 2

people say that when you die you see the light,

but what if you don't?

what if you only see the darkness.

only see your worst memories flashing through your mind on repeat,

like an unbreakable loop.

whey say when you die the gates of heaven will welcome you,

but what if they don't?

what if the only thing that welcomes you is a dark, damp tunnel.

voices echoing off the concrete walls,

almost like they are speaking to you.

they say when you die, you will wake up in a better place,

but what if you don't wake up at all?

what if your body just stays idle.

you can't see or feel anything,

all you know is your presence is still there,

looming over everybody.

(A/N) hi!! another update, and i will be changing the layout of this poem later but im on my laptop rn so i cant :,)

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