xxɪɪɪ. ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ

Start from the beginning

"We're not gonna be able to see if we turn off our flash... lights." Steve trailed off as he watched everyone click them off without a problem, even Savannah. "Really living up to the name Goldilocks, huh?" Savannah asked jokingly as she patted him on the back, leaving the room with Nancy and Robin. Steve rolled his eyes. "Jesus Christ."

It was quiet all throughout the house as the teens walked through it. Silently waiting for someone to catch the monster. Waiting for someone's flashlight to light up.

"I got him!" Robin yelled suddenly. Viola jumped and turned, making eye contact with Max. The two quickly hurried out of the room and towards Robin's voice. "Got him!" Savannah watched as her best-friends light brightened. "I got him." It then slowly dimmed out as everyone arrived around her. "I... I had him." She shrugged.

Then Steve's flashlight lit up. "Oh, woah." He whispered looking down at it. "Uh, I think he's moving." Steve said, beginning to walk after the light. "He's moving. He's moving." The brunette repeated. The group followed after the Harrington as he walked through the broken down house and up the stairs to the second floor. Once they got to the second floor the light instantly disappeared. "Shit. I lost him." Steve said.

"No, you didn't." Max spoke up, walking away from them and towards a door. She opened said door to reveal light leaking from inside. Viola walked after her, entering the room with the red-head so she wouldn't have to go alone. "It's an attic. Of course it's an attic." Robin said shakily. Savannah grabbed her hand. "C'mon Robby." She whispered, pulling the scared girl up the stairs with her.

"Hold up, guys. What if he's leading us into a trap?" Dustin called, no one spared him a glance. "Guys? Guys!" Still no responses. "Shit, shit, shit."


EDDIE GLANCED OUT THE shed's window once more, checking if anyone was still out there. It was now night and there was no sign of Steve or Nancy or Savannah. No one was coming.

Jasper held the walkie in her hand, still trying to reach the group that had gone radio silent. "C'mon, guys. Please. Is anyone and I mean anyone fucking there?" She asked desperately, leaning against the boat houses wall. Eddie grabbed Jasper's arm. "We gotta go." He told his cousin.

She rolled her eyes. "Never fucking mind." With that the two Munson's got into the small boat in the middle of the shed. Eddie quickly removed it from being held above the water. It jolted as it landed in the small waves.

Jasper quickly grabbed an oar and gave it to Eddie who began to quickly paddle put of the boat house and onto Lovers lake. "Dustin?" Jasper whispered into the walkie once more, trying one last time. "I swear to God, Dustin. When I see you again you won't—" "Hey, freaks!" Jason yelled making the Munson's look back in sync. "Where do you think you're going?" He yelled. "Shit." Eddie whispered before turning ahead and rowing faster.

The Munson girl sighed, seeing as the oar wasn't getting them anywhere and tried to start the motor. "Eds, help!" She yelled. Eddie quickly walked over and tried to start it as well, it wasn't going. "Just come on..." He begged. "you piece of shit!"

"Come on. You gotta help us out here." Jasper begged to an inanimate object. Eddie tried to start the engine once more as Jason and Patrick entered the water. "Come on. Come on, you piece of shit!" The engine revved once more but it didn't start.

It wouldn't start.

"It's not working, Eddie!" Jasper yelled. "Nope? Okay. All right. Okay." He said, giving up and grabbing the oar once again. Jasper looked behind them seeing Jason swimming towards them. "Holy fuck, Blondie can swim hella fast." She whispered as Jason gained on them, Patrick not far behind.

Back at the Creel House the kids gathered around the one flickering light in the middle of the attic, as they got closer their flashlights began to brighten.

The group stood in a circle, huddled under the flashing light with this lights pointed up at it. "Okay, what's happening?" Steve asked, slightly scared. "You think we fucking know?" Savannah whispered, slightly annoyed. Viola looked over at Max, sharing a scared look with her. The two slowly connected their hands together before looking back up at the light.

Eddie continued to paddle wildly, but soon gave up seeing as Jason was just a couple feet away. "Hey, stay back, man! Stay back!" He yelled, throwing the oar around wildly. "Stay back!" Jasper flinched back as Eddie almost hit her with the wooded tool. "Hey, com on. Let's go. We almost have them." Jason called to a frozen Patrick. "Hey, Patrick. Patrick! Patrick!" Jason tried calling him again. That's when the frozen boy was pulled under the water by something.

"Holy crap!" Jasper yelled as herself, Eddie, and Jason looked towards the water. Jason continued to call Patrick's name with a worried tone. That was until his body rose above the water making Eddie stumble back which resulted in the boat flipping over and the two Munson's falling in the water.

The group at the Creel House watched as their lights brightened more and more until one-by-one the glass exploded and flew everywhere.

Eddie and Jasper came back up to air, watching as Patrick did the same thing as Chrissy. Each of his limbs snapped before his eyes were pulled back and he fell into the water.



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tomorrows school kms actually 😔👊

also ik its short IM SORRY im working on more

im taking a poll for new books next chapter btw 💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃

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