Dizznee Land (really?)

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R.S: Dexter Dizznee!

A.R: What?

R.S: He's next.

A.R: Oh yeah.

D: Hi?

A.R: Hello there!

R.S: Just ask the first question.

A.R: What is something that makes you happy that someone you are close to finds weird?

D: Hm... iPhones. Sophie told me about this human contraption and I'm incredibly fascinated by it. Sophie thinks I'm overreacting, but how can a tiny rectangle reveal more secrets to me than anyone on the Black Swan?

R.S: ...Oh shit how does that work?

A.R: You literally have an iPhone...

R.S: That doesn't mean I know how it works!

A.R: We're literally on FaceTime 90% of the time- you know what, just ask your question.

R.S: Fine. Opinion on Fitz?

D: I don't dislike him as much now that I know neither of us have a chance with Sophie.

R.S: Right... Atlas, your go.

A.R: Out of the two youngest Vackers, which one would you prefer?

D: Can't decide, I have small feelings for both.



D: What the hell is FeDex?

*ray and atlas stare*

R.S: Next question!

A.R: This is gonna go terribly.

R.S: On a sclae from one to ten, how gay would you say you are? *under breath* because my gaydar is going off very loudly...

D: How do I build a "gaydar"?

R.S: You can't.

D: *under breath*  I'll find a way... Anyways, I'm a solid 5/10.

A.R: Same...

R.S: Oh?

A.R: What's your opinion on Keefe?

D: He's in my top five of my attractive person list. It's the hair, dude.

R.S: Agreed.

A.R: Agreed.

R.S: Oh Dexy, it was a mistake to tell me you had a list...

D: Oh sh-

R.S: Give us everyone in the top five in order!

D: Lihn, Keefe, Biana, Fitz, Tam. Please never let this out, I will just cry.

R.S: Damn

A.R: What is your opinion of the councillors that are working with you?

D: I got councillors Noland and Clarett... they don't speak much, especially Noland, but when they do they don't really seem to care that I exist.

A.R: I mean I guess you are already used to being forgotten...

D: What-

A.R: What?

R.S: Wow. That's low, man. Especially for being kind of a Dex simp.

A.R: Silence child.

R.S: *uno reverse card* Anyways, how would you feel if you found out that in reality you're just a character from a book series that follows Sophie throughout her life journey in the Lost Cities?

D: I'd be pissed that the author left me out of half the story! But also, what?

R.S: Not what I was expecting but ok. I think we have one final question?

A.R: The final question, do you pour the milk before or after the cereal?

D: I don't eat cereal.

R.S: ... This interview is over. How dare you not eat breakfast soup.


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