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A.R: Why are you still wearing the stupid ears?

R.S: I am?

A.R: Yes. You are.

R.S: Oh shit.

*Takes off elf ears*

A.R: So, Terik is next on our list-

R.S: Who?

A.R: Terik.

*silence from ray*

A.R: You good?

R.S: yEaH

A.R: You sure?


A.R: Mira, just bring in Terik before Ray starts dying.

M.F: Too late for that, but I'll send him in anyway.

T: So, why am I here?

A.R: This is a special interview where instead of being interviewed by elves, you are interviewed by us normal people.

T: Ok but why are Fintan and Bronte cuddling on the waiting room couch?

R.S: WE ASK THE QUESTIONS ...i'msorryiloveyou

A.R: Fucking stan... Ok time for the first question. What is something that makes you happy that someone you are close to finds weird?

T: Impulsive decisions. But mainly curling my hair. Or really anything to do with my hair. I walked into an important council meeting with pink hair once and everyone was VERY confused. And kinda upset. I don't really understand why. Also, the Dizznee kid. Great elixirs. I got the one that made my hair pink from him, it lasted like a week. Everyone was very annoyed for some reason. But anyways, can you thank him for me? I saw him in the waiting room but he looked busy so I didn't wanna bother him but thank him when he gets in here.

A.R: We. Ask. The. Questions.

R.S: Shush.


R.S: Ignoring you, I'm gonna reuse a question from Fintan, on a scale of one to ten; how gay would you say you are?

T: Can I break the scale? Actually I don't even think I can give you an answer. My gayness can't be put onto a scale. It's not possible. Or do I have to actually answer the question?

A.R: You need to let us do our jobs. I'm sorry, you are amazing.

R.S: AHA! You're a stan too!

A.R: Shut up. Anyways, Terik, would you resign from the council for anyone?

T: Do I have to tell you who?


T: I need clarification though.

A.R: Yes, please tell us who.

T: Elwin. Or Grady, if he wasn't married. Well, if neither of them were married. Edaline too though. She could turn me straight. And if he was also willing to resign, Emery.

R.S: Edaline's a milf.

A.R: Agreed.

R.S: My turn? Cool. Bronte said that you refuse to take your medication, why is that?

T: *under breath* bitch. Why would I?

A.R: *Silent rage*

T: No but seriously. Why would I? It prevents me from having fun and being my chaotic, dumbass self.

R.S: *quietly to atlas* That's like exactly what Bronte said.

A.R: No shit Sherlock.

T: Who's Sherlock?

A.R: I'd tell you to get the fuck out, but number one: you are amazing and number two: we're only halfway done.

R.S: You wanna do all six? This interview has already gone longer than the other two combined.

A.R: I'll ask one more and then we'll end it. Does pineapple belong on pizza?

T: The fuck is pizza?


R.S: We love and don't wanna hurt your feelings but Atlas is done. I'm sorry. Mira!

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