Chapter 9-Preparations

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The very next morning Alma woke up, sitting up and stretching before looking over to where she expected to see you asleep. She found it strange you would get up not only before her but an hour early. She got up and got ready nonetheless. Though she only noticed something was wrong one she'd gotten downstairs. It was completely quiet. Too quiet. She went from room to room, looking around for any sign of you. She found nothing but missing food and water. She ended up going back upstairs to her room, maybe you'd been in the bathroom and she hadn't noticed?

No, no you weren't. But upon closer inspection of the room she noticed a note on her bedside table. She couldn't believe she'd missed it earlier. But to be fair, she wasn't really looking for any signs of you before.

 Dearest Alma,

I'm deeply sorry for having been an inconvenience. And I'll never be able to apologize enough for almost killing you. I've left to go stop Barron. Having seen Miss Vulture I know it won't be long before Horace's vision of Mr Barron coming through the loop comes true. I'm not quite sure what may happen whilst I'm away. I won't lie, it's likely I won't live much longer. Even if I'm successful in killing him I'm unsure if I'd return anyway. I know very well that some of you don't want me around anyway. I hope to see you again someday, as if nothing goes wrong then we'll both live forever.

With admiration, Y/n

 This was not good. It's not common for Horace's visions to not be fulfilled. In fact, not one has been untrue. She didn't want to believe you'd fail to stop him, but she found it hard not to. She didn't know what she'd do with herself if he killed you, or used you in an experiment.

She decided she needed to prepare for anything. She still had a while before any of the children woke up so she spent that time digging in the attic. She may not love talking about the future, but she had occasionally visited. And during one of her more recent trips, she'd picked up a much more effective weapon than her crossbow. A pistol. Though she also grabbed more arrows as she wasn't the only one who knew how to use the crossbow.

Digging through the attic had taken longer than expected and she started breakfast a little later than normal. Which only made her more anxious. She hated being behind.


You'd taken the first ferry off the island and ended up getting to Blackpool around the time Alma would normally wake up. You didn't know exactly what to say to your father the next time you saw him. It'd be preferable for him to think you never left his side but you knew it was unlikely he'd believe that. You decided to just say fuck it and go to a gun shop, which turned out to be one hell of an experience.

You picked out a random Glock, and the store owner showed you the safety and how to work it, even going through the trouble of helping you with a silencer and showing you how to load it. He placed the newly loaded gun on the counter along with a box of bullets and started ringing you up. The only problem was that despite being of age, you didn't have an ID. So before the man could ask for it you picked up the gun and pointed the barrel at him.

You apologized to the poor helpful man before shooting him and running out of the shop. You sped walked to Blackpool Tower, entering quickly. You walked in and shot two wights that were in the main room. You were quick to move from room to room but you couldn't find anyone else.

Suddenly you felt a stabbing pain in the back of your head and the world went black.


Alma managed to catch up on time. The children, with the exception of Enoch, we're all upset to find you'd randomly left them. Though Alma had only told the other ymbrynes about the true reasoning behind your leave. They'd come up with a plan. They'd wait for Barron to come to them so they had the advantage of a home base. Miss Sparrow would have the crossbow while Miss Peregrine would be armed with her gun. The other five would have knifes.

They'd protect the children and even if not all of them were on bored, they were going to save you, wherever you were.


I hope that didn't suck as much as I think it did-

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