Chapter 4-Back Home

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The next morning you woke up, you could hear someone snickering. You opened your eyes and glared at Miss Sparrow who stood at the end of the bed, trying not to laugh too loud. You glared at her, which only made her laugh harder. "What's so funny?" She pointed back and forth at you and Alma.

You hadn't moved much in your sleep. Alma on the other hand was now right next to you, one arm wrapped around your waist, and her face buried in your chest. How the hell did you not notice her right away? You wrapped your arm around her and tried not to smile because of Miss Sparrow's presence. "Go and visit with some of the others and let me sleep." She rolled her eyes and walked away. You didn't do anything until you heard the door close.

Once Jocelyn was gone you wrapped your other arm around Alma, pulling her a little closer while smiling to yourself. Sadly this only lasted for a few minutes as shortly after she began waking up. You looked down at her when you felt her move her head away from you. "Good morning sleepyhead." You grinned as she pulled away from you, a slight pink appearing on her cheeks.

"Morning.." She mumbled, sitting up and holding her head. "Oh my birds, I have the worst headache. What happened yesterday? Where are we?"

"Yesterday we all escaped. I may more may not have blown things up, it was fun. You passed out on the walk over. And we're in a hotel, we're going to catch a train out of here tomorrow. Oh right, do you remember that glass of water yesterday?" She raised an eyebrow and nodded. "It was poised. He wanted me to kill you, that's why we had to leave a day early. Don't worry too much, you didn't drink enough for it to actually kill you."

"He wanted to kill me... And you knew this when you gave me the water?" You nodded. "You knowingly gave me poisoned water? What if I'd drank it all?! What if I never spit any out or dropped the cup?! I would have died!" As she spoke she got out of the bed and started pacing.

"Alma, I'm sorry, I wasn't-"

"Just, leave me alone, Y/n." Miss Sparrow walked back in the room right after she said this. She was going to say something but shut up when she noticed Miss Peregrine looked pissed. Alma walked to the door, grabbed Jocelyn, and walked into the hall, dragging her with. You sighed and just decided to get up for the day.


Alma avoided you all day, she refused to talk to you. And she definitely told the others because a few of them also refused to talk to you. That night you did end up sleeping on the floor. Miss Sparrow didn't protest at all this time. The next day went fairly easy, getting to the train in time wasn't too hard when no one wants to say a word to you, meaning no one can argue.

In the end the only thing they fought about was who should have to sit next to you. Yeah, cause the person that literally saved their lives was going to suddenly lash out and murder whoever sat closest to them.

Other than that, everything went smoothly. What you hadn't told everyone, is where exactly you we're going. Miss Sparrow had mentioned how Alma's loop never closed, due to her children begging some ymbrynes to come back everyday to reset it.

When arriving at the ferry, Miss Peregrine still didn't say a word to you, but she raised an eyebrow, knowing very well where the ferry led. You hadn't told her about the loop, figuring it would be a good surprise. Hell, maybe she'll even start talking to you again.

After arriving on the island, you started leading the group to her loop entrance. You heard her grumbling to herself in the back of the group about how I wasn't actually taking them to a loop because it was closed. You also heard Miss Sparrow fall behind to talk to her about it.

Once at the cave you gestured for everyone to go in ahead of you, following in close behind them. Alma seemed pleasantly surprised when we left the cave again, to see that the once gray sky was suddenly clear. She knew better than anyone what that meant. They were now in September 3rd 1940, her loop.

She was quick to rush ahead of the group, leading them along the path to her home. It was actually kind of hard to keep up with her as she was walking really fucking fast. Once everyone made it to the lawn Miss Peregrine broke out running to the house, eager to see her children again. She let herself into the house, leaving the door open for everyone else to follow.

She went room to room looking for her kids. Until she found them in the dinning room. You watched as they brought her into a giant group hug, laughing and some even crying. You hadn't seen Alma smile like this before, she was truly happy here.

"Miss Peregrine!" A blonde girl yelled when she walked into the room. She walked over and grabbed the older woman by her shoulders, looking her over quickly. The women were all still wearing their torn and bloodstained clothes as you didn't have enough money to buy them new ones. "What happened to you?!"

"I'm alright, Emma. I'm just fine now." She pulled the younger girl into a hug. You decided to leave them alone so Alma could catch up with her kids, and brought the other women to the parlor, where they could all sit.

Soon enough Alma walked in with her children close behind and began introducing all of you. They all thanked you for saving their ymbrynes life. Alma most definitely left out the part where you almost killed her prior to that.

Everyone spent the rest of the day getting settled. Most of them got over their anger to talk to you about their own homes. You'd written letters out to other ymbrynes which asked about the captured ones homes, children, and where they could go now that this is over. While waiting to hear back you made sure they all got new clothes and had any remaining wounds cleaned. You had to arrange sleeping situations as well. There were two guest rooms, and four of the women agreed to pair up and share the beds. Three more slept on couches. And most of the other ones bonded with the kids over the day, so they offered their own beds and slept on the floor. Which they all insisted on as they'd be more than comfortable with the amount of pillows and blankets they owned. As for you? Alma had a love seat in her room, which probably wasn't ideal for her, but oh well.


Not like Alma can object to Y/n sleeping in her room, not like she's the one writing this story

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