Chapter 3-Freedom

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It's been two days, you'd planned to escape tonight. You'd save as many captured peculiars as you could while leaving. "Y/N!" Your father yelled for you as he drew an X over a small dot on a map.

"Oh, when did you get back?" You said when you walked into the large room. You walked over and looked at the map. The dots represented loops. "So I take it the mission was successful." You said, looking at the X he'd made.

"Indeed it was. But the thing is, there wasn't just one ymbryne there. We found three, two had escaped their loops and hid there. We now have eleven of those pesky birds. That means we can very well kill one off now. So I've decided that since Miss Peregrine is the biggest threat if this goes south, that she'll be the one to die. And you'll be doing it." He didn't even spare you a glance, which was probably a good thing because the only emotion on your face was pure horror. "Just give her that glass of water, it's poisoned." He pointed at the glass on the corner of the table. "Make sure she drinks it all or it won't work. And bring along Matt, he wants to watch."

You finally noticed the other man in the room. You bit your tongue, you couldn't fuck this up. If Barron knew you didn't want to, he'd just kill her himself. You grabbed the glass and began walking to her room, not even checking to see if Matt was behind you. You swung the door opened and walked over the the woman who was sat in the middle of the room. Her small smile vanished when she saw the man walk in behind you.

"Drink this, bird brain." You sneered as you held it out to her. She raised an eyebrow but took it and began drinking it, having not had any water in days. "We've recently gotten three new ymbrynes you know." She nearly choked on her water and ended up spitting a ton out and dropping the glass. You quickly picked it up before too much spilled and gave it back to her. "Damn it don't waste it! Drink!"

"It's no use, Y/n. We'll need to make more. She spilled to much. You stay here, I'll get more." Matt spoke, shaking his head as he left. You grabbed the glass and threw it across the room before she could drink the last sip.

"What was that about?" She questioned as she stood up.

"No time to explain! We need to go, now!" You took a key from your back pocket and started frantically unlocking her chains. A few days back you'd stolen keys to all the ymbrynes chains and made copies of them. You then grabbed her by the wrist and ran out of the room. The two of you ran from room to room, freeing the rest of the ymbrynes. Though since none of them could change back you guys stayed together in a group. Suddenly an alarm sounded. Matt must've gone back and found you and Alma gone.

After freeing the last bird you ran into an old storage room where you'd hidden away an entire ass gallon of gasoline and matches. Along with one or two sticks of dynamite. You grabbed the materials and rushed back out to the eleven women who were standing back to back in a circle, looking around for wights. You began leading them to a back exit not a lot of people knew about.

Though it wasn't long before people started chasing after you. You had the women stand behind you as you began to pour a line of gasoline out. After lighting it, it crated a wall of fire. You then, very quickly, lit the dynamite sticks and threw them over the fire, then throwing the half empty can of gasoline over, to land right next to one of the sticks. The twelve of you then proceeded to run like hell. The explosion was loud and caused a shit ton of damage. And the best part? You'd gotten them all out safely.

Due to proper planning you'd already had a hiding place picked out. You began leading them but you didn't get very far before one of the women in the back of the group yelled for you. Alma had  collapsed. You tried not to panic as you made sure she was okay. She was alive, just not conscious, it was probably the poison. But as far as you knew she hadn't had enough for it to kill her. Instead of freaking the fuck out, you picked her up bridal style, and continued to lead the women to a hotel a few more blocks away. Once there you booked four rooms for two nights. because you couldn't afford anymore rooms if you wanted to stay for two nights. You had planned on escaping the next day and being able to get six rooms so everyone could have their own bed but you needed to stay a second day to wait for the train you'd gotten tickets for.

You'd split three people per room. There were two beds in each room. The birds seemed more than happy just to not be sleeping on a stone floor, none of them minded sharing. You all went in groups of three to your rooms, which were all next to each other. You were with Miss Peregrine and Miss Sparrow.

Once in the room you laid Miss Peregrine down on one of the beds. "Okay she'll probably wake up soon, until then we should get any wounds you guys have cleaned up and then we can get settled for the night." You spoke to Miss Sparrow as you tucked Alma in.

Miss Sparrow, who was there for three days, only had a few more minor injuries. Alma, who was only there a day longer, was much more injured. You tried to be carful to to cause her anymore pain as you cleaned any cuts and bandaged her up. But with her asleep it was hard to tell when you accidentally hurt her.

Miss Sparrow got in the other bed and you went to make a bed on the floor with a couple blankets. "Y/n, what are you doing?" The woman sat up in bed, looking at you with a raised eyebrow.

"Going to sleep?"

"Why not in a bed? They're queen sized, plenty of space. Plus neither of us would care. Alma definitely wouldn't you know." She wiggled her eyebrows, holding back a laugh, to which you just rolled your eyes with a small smile. You shook your head and continued to make a small bed on the floor. "Get up, and get in a bed. Right now." Oh geez, she's a lot more scary without chains to hold her back. So you just did as she said, sitting on the edge of Alma's bed, because no way were you sleeping in the same bed that that terrifying bird.

She just gave a small nod before laying down, her back turned to you. You sighed, getting under the covers, making sure there was a good gap of space between you and Miss Peregrine, not wanting to get in her personal space.


So, she's not quite dead, not sure what I want to do about that. Maybe I'll finish the job idk

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