UA Training Camp

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When the day of the mission came around I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I was practically clinging to Tenko when I woke up, not wanting to actually face reality today. I couldn't help but be scared of the fact that I'd be seeing Shoto and that he may end up getting injured because of me again. I hated everything about it.
After quite a bit of convincing Tenko got me up and I ended up getting ready for the mission, despite me wanting to just skip out on it. After getting dressed I did a little bit of warm up with my flames, joining Tenko and the others in the living room afterwards.
   "Now that Dabi's here we can get started," Tenko began as I went behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my forehead on his shoulder. The league knew about our relationship and were very used to me doing this shit. Tenko sighed but placed on of his hands onto mine before continuing, "I just wanted to remind you that you guys are not to harm our target while capturing him, it's very important that he remains unharmed. If you need me to remind you of your positions and what you're to do I'm happy to tell you again, if nobody needs the reminder then I want to head out."
"I think you might want to worry less about us and more about Dabi, he seems upset." Himiko said.
"I'm aware, if you guys don't need anything then I guess I'll take a few minutes aside with him. Let's go." Tenko told me, brushing the back of his hand against my cheek before walking away. I of course followed, wanting nothing but to be close to him right now. Weirdly enough, when I get stressed or anything I like physical contact, it helps calm me down. "Touya-"
   "I know, I'm sorry." I interrupted him, sitting down on the bed without looking at him. "I promise I'll get my shit together before we leave."
I felt Tenko sit down next to me, his hand holding the side of my face as he slowly moved his thumb across my cheek, "I'm not mad at you Touya, I just want you to talk to me and tell me what's going on. I don't like seeing you like this."
   I leaned into Tenko's touch, "I'll be ok, it's just nerves about seeing my brother again and fear that something'll go wrong."
Tenko moved closer to me and fully put his arms around me, pulling me in close. "Just take all the time you need to clear your head of everything. This is going to go the way I planned it, I'll make damn sure of it. I promised you after all, didn't I?" Tenko told me, resting his head on top of mine as I put my head in the crook of his neck.
   I wrapped my arms around Tenko, pulling him as close as I could get him, "I love you." I said, no longer having the will to move from this position.
Tenko softly laughed then lifted my face, placing his lips onto mine. "I love you too Touya, I promise you that everything'll be ok."
   I smiled and pulled him into another kiss, "I think I'm good to go now. I'm sorry for holding you up." I told him, slowly starting to get up.
   "Don't be sorry, I'm happy to have gotten these few minutes alone with you." Tenko replied, taking his hand in mine as he started towards the door.
"Stay calm, you can do this. Everything's going to be fine." I kept saying to myself as I walked through the forest. My job is to spread my flames all throughout the forest as to seperate the others from Shoto, making it easier to get him. As I took my position I stood by, waiting for the signal as I kept trying to tell myself it'll work out.
   As I was waiting I heard multiple kids talk as they walked by, hopefully not noticing that I was there. A few minutes later and I heard Tenko start talking to me through my ear piece. He gave me the signal just moments later. I did as I was told and put my hand on the tree in front of me, hitting it with a wave of flames.
It didn't take long for my flames to start spreading throughout the forest. Once it did I started running off to where Tenko told me to move next, which was meeting up with Twice. When I was with him I had him make clones of me and sent them off to take care of the teachers that were more than likely close by. I spent some time helping Twice out with whatever it was he had to do before Tenko contacted me again, telling me to move to the last place.
   As I approached I already saw Tenko and Compress fighting some blonde and Shoto. I felt my heart race as I got closer, sending off a wave of flames in between them, quickly running up behind Tenko. I took note of the fact that Shoto's eyes widened when he saw my flames but didn't think too much of it. "You-" Shoto started, only for the blonde to start yelling and cut him off.
"We just have to wait a few more minutes, everything's almost completed." Tenko leaned back and whispered to me. I nodded, looking Shoto over. Besides the obvious fact that he was older now he looked almost exactly like he did when he was a kid. The only noticeable difference was that he looked a lot more mature in the sense that there's no trace of him being a kid left.
   "Why the hell are you just standing there Icyhot? They're planning something, we have to move or-" The blonde got cut off by a cloth getting put over his face, one covering Shoto's aswell. They both started to fall, though I was quick to run over and catch Shoto before he hit the ground.
   "This completes the deal, right Shigaraki?" The guy Tenko and I met with the other day asked.
   Tenko nodded, "That it does, I'll get everything to you within the week." Tenko replied before turning to me with a small smile, "Now, let's get him back to base before the heroes catch up to us, yeah?"

I Wanted to Be a Hero TooOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora