Chapter 11

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The next morning Abid woke up around 7 in the morning. When he came down to the gym, he saw Anisa and Sam in the kitchen.

"Heyyy." He said to them.

"Hey, good morning." Both Sam and Anisa said.

"Morning." He said and then went to the gym.

Anisa was in the kitchen to make sure that Sam didn't messed up the waina.

When she made sure Sam was doing good she went back upstairs to get ready for work and so did Abid.

Around 8 she came down and met Sam setting the table, she helped him. And when they were done she served herself.

Minutes later Abid came down.

"So you've finally decide to make waina." He said smiling . It seems like he has forgotten what happened last night.

"Yh." She said as sam served him.

"Sorry about yesterday." She said when Sam was gone. And not sure of why but she knew she had to.

"Just don't do it again and the horses are coming next week." He said. "And if you go there again I will make sure his stable gets shut down, so beware." He added suddenly becoming serious.

"Woo, calm down you don't have to this, I am not going again since you are so against it, but why???, Like max is a good guy he won't harm me." She said wondering why he is overreacting.

Abid kept quiet for a minute then said "just forget, but don't go." He said smirking.

"Porque estoy celoso del infierno." He said in Spanish. Translation: (because I am hell jealous.)

"Wow! So you can still remember Spanish, so all those Mr stephano classes were not for waste."  She said admiringly. During their secondary school life they were asked to choose a foreign language class among 12 different languages he chose Spanish and she chose Arabic.

"Not really, just that I have some friends that speak Spanish and I am also interested, and also that teacher, hmmm, it will be very hard to forget his teachings."

"Oh, but what did you just say." She asked.

"Just forget." He said laughing.


And he shaked his head negatively.

So they ate in silence.

After they were both done they went to the parking lot.

He went to his car and she went to hers. She was about to enter when she thought of something. "Will you mind if I come see you workplace my surgery is by 1." She asked.

"Yeah sure." He said. So she closed her car and entered.

"So tell me about, that surgery that made you stay till 3, and are all surgeries like that, cuz if they are you will seriously have to quit your job." He said when they were already on the road.

She chuckled a bit. "Hmm they are not always like that, it actually depends, sometimes it can be just 1 hour." She said and he hummed." And about that surgery, it is a special case like the girl is very young and her neurons.... Well I hope I can save her she such a cute child that is vulnerable." She narrated everything to him.

"Don't worry you will , I trust you." He said nodding encouragingly.

"Yh." She replied.

They arrived at the tesla branch in us, Of course the office was not as big as the hospital Anisa works in, but since it was the headquarters it was more than an average office.

SABID❤️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن