Chapter 18

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“Yes, she who is to be queen must walk with grace.”

“Imagine yourself with an invisible string above your head being pulled.”

“Yes, yes now smile.”

“She is a natural is she not? He spoke to Rafael, the one bodyguard who patted her head a few days ago. Overhearing Nido she looked at rafeal, now she knows he was one of the guards watching over her whilst she was just a baby.

He nodded, crossing his arms,”just like her mother.”

Mira frowned, her mother, her real mother, what is she like?

“What’s wrong princess?”

“What is my mother like?” she tilted her with curiosity.

They looked at each other.

“Uh well..” Rafael began as he scratched the back of his head.

“She was an excellent princess worthy of her title.” Nido interrupted.


“After your grandfather passed, she immediately went into hiding and your uncle took control soon after.” He continued, “nobody has seen her since.”


“Well, I think it’s time for a break!” Nido said, clapping his hands together.

“Let's start with history, your history to be exact.”

“Your line begins as far as the 16th century starting with King Alesso, however, many believe your line began before even him.”

“What do you mean before?” she furrowed her eyebrows following him.

“Rumor has it the king Aton had an affair with a noblewomen from outside the kingdom. It was said the mother was exiled from her homeland and raised the child in the outlands.”

“Many even say Alesso became king to avenge his mother for all the troubles she went through.”

“But no one is able to prove this?”

He turned to her and shrugged, “King Alesso never wrote about himself, he would only write love letters to his wife.”

“Here's all you need to learn.”

“Whoa, all these textbooks?”

“Yes you must read all of these before next tuesday.”

She groaned “Why me?”

He laughed at her reaction and urged her to get to studying as soon as possible.

The next day she woke up early to finish the other half of the textbook. She studied so much Maddi had to barge in to ask for a ride. They walked down the hallway then suddenly Maddi spoke.
“So where are you disappearing off every tuesday?”   

“What do you mean?”

“Mira.” Maddi stopped in her tracks.

“Fine, if you must know I’m working on a personal project for my future.”

“You mean for college right? Or for….” she said, gesturing a crown on her head with her fingers.

“I mean for college.” Mira responded quickly. She made a face at her lie but quickly hid it when Evan piped in.

“What’s for college?”

“Nice to see you too Evan. Mira’s working on a special project for college.”

“You're going to college even after everything?” He raised an eyebrow

Maddi stopped in her tracts again, “Wait, he knows?”

He grinned,“I was the first.”

“Yes, and I think every ruler should be well educated for the best of their people, so I’m going to college.” 


What Mira spoke about ruler’s repeated all day through Evans' head. He’s going to become king pretty soon and he hasn’t taken it so seriously, it bothered him deeply that he hasn’t. Lately all he’s been doing is beating people up (like his doped up cousin and that tag along that’s always near adara named something like Haggis?) Meanwhile, Mira is out preparing for her future as a ruler. He didn’t even think about college, sure he knew the basics like the history and how much he needed the support of the people. But, that was only because after his mother passed his father forced him to study with a private tutor until he reached highschool. Freshman year was when he got really rebellious, he thought about the parties, the girls, and the constant skipping. It was a wonder how he still got good grades. His mother would be horrified at his current reputation if she was still alive. If only. He missed her deeply.

“Hey Evan, wait up!”He turned around look for the voice  he heard calling him. It  was Brittany, she was close friends with Ava and dressed a little slutty but unlike her friend she didn’t throw herself at him. Infact she wasn’t interested in him at all.

“Oh hey.”

“I’m having a party at my house friday you should totally come, you can even bring Mira and Maddi if you like.”

“Sure I’ll talk to them about it.”  Walking away to his next class but his mind couln't think about parties.

The day flew by quickly and soon he found himself at home calling his father.

“Hey dad, what can I do to prepare to be king?”  

His father responded with joy that his son is finally thinking about the kingdom.They both settled Monday’s he would study with a tutor and during spring break he'd get one on one training with the king himself.

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