Chapter 13

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“I’m sorry for scaring you.”

“Scaring me? Evan I’m not the one you should apologize to.”

“You're kidding right?”

“No.” she seriously.

“Mira their still talking -”

“They were just looking for a reaction and you gave it to them.”

“You let them win.”

he scoffed in disbelief

“Don’t talk to me until you apologize!”

“I don't know what I’m thinking your an orphan that probably need everybody’s approval because you don’t have any parents!”

She was quiet for a moment.

“Crap! Mira I’m sorry-” 

“How dare you.”

“Just leave.” She looked the other way and pointed toward the door.

He left and when he got home he received a call.

“I sent you to protect the princess and this is how you thank me?”

“Evan may I remind you this is your last chance to prove to me as to why you should be king.”

“But father I -”

“No buts! If it weren’t for the fact that you're my only son, your illegitimacy would disqualify you from the throne.” 

“You need to do better.”

He sighs,“yes father.”

He’s right, he needed to do better. But how can he when he probably just destroyed anything left with mira. Why does he even care? Just cause she’s one of the many daughters of the neighboring kingdom must his father feel so protective over her. And why did he stop when she 

asked, he never stops for anyone. 

When his suspension was over he returned to school excited to see mira again. Maybe she just needed time to herself to see he was right. Oh If only our wishes came true but in this dreary world things aren’t so. Mira stood next to her locker talking to her sister but as he approached her Maddi simply shook her head and headed the other way with her. His face fell unprepared for such a reaction.

He didn’t understand what was going on and instead of hearing Mrs.Gwen talk about the kingdoms of the past his mind just wandered. Why does he feel this way? Why did he feel as if  a piece of his heart was torn smashed into smithereens? And what is he going to do now that mira wanted nothing to do with him? He needed to protect her but how?

The month went by so quickly for Evan and his loneliness grew. Mira wouldn’t even talk to him at work unless needed, even the other workers noticed. When asked why the sudden change occurred they both shrugged their shoulders and said time.

Then on the fateful day the snow storm hit right on valentine’s day he heard his doorbell ring and she was standing there.

Ta da!!
I told you I would start posting Mondays and Fridays.

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