𝐗𝐈 - discord

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Also, in case you guys don't remember, here's a refresher on who's in what hemisphere because I won't be mentioning it much for a while:

Sophie - left
Fitz - left
Biana - left
Keefe - right
Dex - right
Tam - ambi
Linh - ambi

And you're just kinda chilling in between lol ('-ω-')


"Here we have a wild Tam in his natural loner habitat," Linh laughed as she walked into the tent, slapping the back of her hand against his forearm. Tam scowled at her, slouching down even further against the bedposts.

You didn't say a word.

Linh sighed, pausing when she saw you. "Hello? Anybody home? Y/N?"

Tam looked over at you both, shaking his head at his sister. "Don't ask me — I have no idea what's going on with her either. I've been trying to talk to her for the past two hours."

"No luck?"

"Does it look like I accomplished anything?" Tan gestured toward your limp figure, the scowl never leaving his face.

Linh pursed her lips as she stated, "Well, I suppose it's good that we know how to run this place for a few days. She'll be fine in a bit, c'mon. Just because Y/N's out of it doesn't mean you're allowed to be."

She grabbed Tam's arm and jerked him off the ground quite forcefully, dragging him outside.

"Why do you always favor her so much..."

The rest of the sentence was incomprehensible to you, not that you really noticed. You had been snapping in and out of reality for the past day — for more reasons than one.

How long has it been since a Wayward had nearly burned the arch like you had?

And you didn't even want to think about how she had her hands on a Black Swan pendant.

Scratch all earlier plans — that girl would never, never be someone you trusted if she was somehow involved with them, let alone an ally. A close eye on her would be more beneficial than anything else she could give.

"I guess we've found your equal, haven't we?"

You started ever so slightly. "Shut up, Inaie. I swear I'll punt you out of existence if you don't get back in my head right now."

Inaie made a face, but didn't comply. "Look here, you moron! You moping around isn't gonna get anyone anywhere! If you want to survive now that a Black Swan's minion — maybe even minions — is in property, you're going to have to at least try, you know? Besides, you rule Exillium, put that power to good use — argh!"

You calmly retracted your foot from Inaie's shin, a dangerous anger in your eyes. "I told you to get back into my head."

She gritted her teeth, but disappeared as you had commanded.

You blew out a breath, but somehow, you felt a lot less agitated than before. And as stupid as it might've been, you stepped out of your tent and into the golden canopy behind the twins.

Tam was the first to notice, immediately jumping aside to give you a bit of space to squeeze in beside Linh. She jumped ever so slightly when she saw you, but got the memo quickly and bowed her way out dramatically. You sighed.

"We gave them the livenroot serum," Tam whispered, gesturing over to tightly sealed tent toward the edge of the campus.

"I gave them the livenroot serum," Linh corrected with a scowl twisting her pink lips. "You were too busy being all dramatic and emo to —"

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