𝐗 - love and war

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My name is Tam Song. I'm a Wayward at Exillium. I'm fifteen. I receive special treatment from Fritillary.


I'm not sure either.

At first, I was just being dragged along because I wanted to protect Linh, but that's going to end as soon as she decides she's stronger than me — which seems to be proving rather soon.

Then, I decided I was going to prove my worth by reading Y/N's shadowvapor, and, uh, that didn't work too well either. I tried to make sure that I was far away enough from her that she wouldn't be able to get to me even if she did feel it, but I completely forgot about a specific guster that was quite fond of her.

Damn you, Lasko Perrin. I thought we were on the same side.

I barely had time to analyze since she caught me after five seconds, and again, damn you, Lasko Perrin.

I did manage to get enough data to figure out what type of person she was — was what I wish I could say.

To be fair, data is data, and I had that, but her mind...it's a mess.

She had stability and order, but chaos at the same time. It's like her illumination was constantly fighting her darkness, and it was just a headache trying to figure out which side was going to be the endgame.

But at this point, that might have just been my malfunctioning ability. I feel like my readings are losing their merit, creating a frightening empty feeling in my stomach. Based on what happened when I read Y/N's shadowvapor, I'm really not that confident anymore.

Who would be?

I swiped at the school of fish that brushed past my outstretched hands, missing them quite embarrassingly. Linh snickered from where she sat beside me with her legs dipped into the river she had cleared.

I glared at her, drawing my hand out of the water and shaking it dry. She shrugged as she pulled the root off of the tubers she had collected.

"Courtesy of your forever wandering mind, I guess," she muttered while rinsing her hand clean in the water. She stood up, grabbing the now naked tubers and putting on her shoes halfway. "You'd better come help me chop these."

She paused, smiling slightly as she turned to look at me. "After you finish helping Y/N, that is."

She skipped away.

"What — Linh! You're supposed to deal with her today — LINH!"

I could've sworn she cackled.

Clenching my fists, I took a deep breath and put more pressure ever some slightly into my steps. Stomping, one could say, toward Y/N's tent was a bad idea, I should've known.

And sure enough, she stepped out from the tent right before I was about to go in, a whetstone in her hands.

"You don't look very happy to see me."

I yelped, jumping back instinctively. Y/N shot me a stare that immediately told me I was screwed.

"What? No, no, I'm very happy to see you."

FRITILLARY ━ tam songWhere stories live. Discover now